
Our research focuses on the intersection both computer vision and natural language processing

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

This is our implementation of StackGAN as our baseline model. We have relied heavily on the original code, which we cloned here and is available below. Note, this is public as our changes are limited at this point. Additional attempts will be made at our task.



python 2.7


In addition, please add the project folder to PYTHONPATH and pip install the following packages:

  • tensorboard
  • python-dateutil
  • easydict
  • pandas
  • torchfile


  1. Download our preprocessed char-CNN-RNN text embeddings for training coco and evaluating coco, save them to data/coco.
  • [Optional] Follow the instructions reedscot/icml2016 to download the pretrained char-CNN-RNN text encoders and extract text embeddings.
  1. Download the coco image data. Extract them to data/coco/.


  • The steps to train a StackGAN model on the COCO dataset using our preprocessed embeddings.
    • Step 1: train Stage-I GAN (e.g., for 120 epochs) python main.py --cfg cfg/coco_s1.yml --gpu 0
    • Step 2: train Stage-II GAN (e.g., for another 120 epochs) python main.py --cfg cfg/coco_s2.yml --gpu 1
  • *.yml files are example configuration files for training/evaluating our models.
  • If you want to try your own datasets, here are some good tips about how to train GAN. Also, we encourage to try different hyper-parameters and architectures, especially for more complex datasets.

Pretrained Model

  • StackGAN for coco. Download and save it to models/coco.
  • Our current implementation has a higher inception score(10.62±0.19) than reported in the StackGAN paper


  • Run python main.py --cfg cfg/coco_eval.yml --gpu 2 to generate samples from captions in COCO validation set.

Examples for COCO:

Save your favorite pictures generated by our models since the randomness from noise z and conditioning augmentation makes them creative enough to generate objects with different poses and viewpoints from the same discription 😃