
Coursera - Data Science - Getting and Cleaning Data - Course Project

Primary LanguageR

title author date output
README -- Getting and Cleaning Data Course Project
Veeresh Taranalli
July 25, 2015

##Steps to create the tidy data file

  • Download the UCI HAR dataset in your working directory.
  • Download the R script "run_analysis.R" from GitHub in your working directory.
  • Run the R script "run_analysis.R" to obtain the tidy data file named "UCI_HAR_Tidy_Dataset_Coursera_Project.txt" in your working directory.
  • Your working directory structure should look like as shown below
    • UCI HAR Dataset (Directory/Folder)
    • run_analysis.R (R script file)
    • readme.md (markdown file)
    • codebook.md (markdown file)
    • UCI_HAR_Tidy_Dataset_Coursera_Project.txt (text file containing the tidy dataset)

##Steps performed by the "run_analysis.R" script for cleaning the data

  • Read data files from the provided UCI HAR Dataset.
  • Process the train and test feature data frames to remove NAs and make it tidy.
  • Bind the the train and test data frames together to create a merged dataframe useful for further processing and tidying.
  • Remove intermediate dataframes from global environment.
  • Assign feature names to column variables.
  • Assign descriptive activity labels for the Activity variable (column).
  • Select subset of only mean and standard deviation measurements for every feature measurement.
  • Clean up the variable (column) labels.
  • Create a tbl_df for the tidy dataset.
  • Compute average of the existing variables grouped by SubjectID and Activity variables.
  • Remove duplicate rows and order rows by SubjectID.
  • Convert to long form of data by gathering all columns as a 'Feature' variable.
  • Clean up the feature names.
  • Separate the Feature and Measurement Type into two variables.
  • Write tidy dataset to a file.