- 0
Redundant function.
#70 opened by aashishdhawan - 0
Redundant if block?
#73 opened by aashishdhawan - 3
Publish 4.0.0 with CocoaPods
#148 opened by mliberatore - 0
Still maintained?
#145 opened by colinhumber - 0
[Question] Change detailText Without Storing Row
#143 opened by reteps - 0
When I customize a cell and add a textField control, how do I get the text value of textFiel?
#140 opened by PublicWorld - 2
Fatal Bug!!!
#139 opened by change2hao - 10
- 1
UISlider support?
#138 opened by change2hao - 5
CocoaPods release?
#126 opened by m-ruhl - 1
Search Bar
#128 opened by JulianoGouveiaS - 1
Seperate table initializer and view handling
#127 opened by teawithfruit - 3
Why do you call it Static?
#121 opened by onmyway133 - 2
Adding cells with different row height
#90 opened - 2
Modify delegate methods on DataSource?
#78 opened by chrismanderson - 1
Targets built with coverage data in Xcode 9
#112 opened by txaiwieser - 1
Is this repo supported?
#118 opened by rlam3 - 1
How to fix navigation bar?
#117 opened by rlam3 - 1
Unable to install latest version.
#116 opened by rlam3 - 11
Blank section headers are displayed under iOS 11
#105 opened by nealyoung - 2
How do I localize the string of header and row titles?
#102 opened by rlam3 - 2
- 2
- 1
How do I center the text inside of the cell/row?
#99 opened by rlam3 - 3
NSLocalizedString support
#98 opened by Shadester - 7
Swift 3.0
#83 opened by chrismanderson - 0
Question about refreshTableSections:oldSections and row insertion animations
#89 opened by txaiwieser - 1
Reload Rows At Index Paths?
#75 opened by dillidon - 4
Version 1.0
#63 opened by soffes - 3
Podspec out of date with latest version
#85 opened by chrismanderson - 1
UITextField and UISwitch support?
#82 opened by karagraysen - 0
Support copy action
#80 opened by tomaskraina - 0
Add tvOS target.
#79 opened by calebd - 3
- 2
Please add to the CocoaPods specs repository
#76 opened by irace - 1
- 2
TableViewController clear selection bug
#50 opened by calebd - 5
- 0
TableViewController background color not default
#64 opened by dasmer - 1
Animations when adding cells to data source?
#59 opened by kermankohli - 1
- 1
How to implement function or to change variables inside custom cell such as custom selection?
#51 opened by dillidon - 1
Could you add switch as accessory with selection, which can add or remove sections and rows?
#52 opened by dillidon - 4
- 2
- 1
Please update podspec to 0.2.0
#46 opened by jingx23 - 0
- 2
Xcode beta 6
#34 opened by paulbruneau - 3
`tableView:cellForRowAtIndexPath` not called
#27 opened by mokagio - 3
Logo for repo
#22 opened by cassidoo