
TUDelft Aerospace Msc - Operation Optimisation assignment 2021

Primary LanguagePython


This repository contains the work of the 2020-2021 group assignment of the course AE4441 Operations Opti-mization by group 14.

During this project a mixed integer linear programming (MILP) problem was solved. This MILP problem is of a hypothetical student housing assignment problem, the fictional student housing company being called ’DUWU’. The model data was created using a python library called Faker. This data was made into amodel and optimized using Gurobipy. The constraints and objectives were made using the knowledge from the course AE4441-16 Operations Optimisation and the book Introduction to operations research.The objective of this problem is to assign students to a house while maximizing the student preferences met. These preferences and rules were chosen by the group to create a realistic scenario and to add complexityto the problem. To derive student preferences some characteristics of houses and of students were created.