Match tukey test results (letters groups or asteriks from HSD.test function) to the corresponding bar in barplots taking into account the function facets() from the package ggplot2.
- 7rewcho
- AFrolicOfFernsUNC-Chapel Hill
- ankita051296
- ardiez10
- aris-budimanIndonesian Coffee and Cocoa Research Institute
- asifzubairElkridge, MD
- bigFinOntario, Canada
- clquezada
- cprodhomWageningen University UR Plant Breeding
- db381x
- ElisaRMADell Technologies
- grantej
- hpkbinh
- JohanCJansevanRensburgPaarl, South Africa
- jrherrUniversity of Nebraska
- kuainegrito
- markjohnsonubc
- mofanvImperial College London
- neiljun
- pamelacruzbrFrance
- planetirf
- rikulampinen
- taghbio
- tianmeiw
- XingWei19@VirginiaTech; @Purdue
- ZhTJs