- 4
- 1
Expose event timestamps
#10 opened by gkbar - 8
- 1
Find system steps on IOS
#16 opened by jacquesfeng123 - 2
Error with IL2CPP
#18 opened by SebastijanSturmer - 1
- 9
How to use this API??
#9 opened by chiragpranami - 3
Cannot find 'Pedometer'
#8 opened by chiragpranami - 2
Is there a way to make Step tracking more sensitive?
#13 opened by ReGaSLZR - 2
Steps are not updated in real-time.
#7 opened by elblogbruno - 1
Error in Unity3D
#12 opened by chiragpranami - 1
Steps count by tens
#11 opened by ksyao2002 - 3
App does not install on android.
#6 opened by elblogbruno - 0
Move Android implementation into AAR
#3 opened by olokobayusuf - 3
- 0
Move to direct callbacks
#4 opened by olokobayusuf