
Primary LanguagePython

VisDial for Minecraft USAR


  1. Ensure Malmo Mod for Minecraft is set
  2. Run Minecraft
  3. Collected trajectories saved in .tgz file in folder human_trajectories.
  4. Install gym_minigrid with dependencies with setup.py.
cd code 
pip install -e .


Change the xmlfile name in FileWorldGenerator

cd code 
python3 minecraft_to_minigrid_debug.py --xmlfile <path_to_xml>

Play the game to record the observed map and directional frontiers at each timestep. TODO: Record over some time interval like 5 steps?

Data structure

numpy array saved with map which is env_size x envsize, agent_dir which is continuous yaw, subset_frontiers_mask which is a boolean list of frontier, where the frontiers are calculated from top left to bottom right. Refer get_absolute_frontier_coordinates in minecraft_to_minigrid_debug.py

We can also save the 3D tensor with channels as map and subset_frontiers.

Input format

3D tensor of shape env_size, env_size, num_channels where the channels contain the following : index 0 : trajectory map of the agent in absolute coordinates index 1 : subset of frontiers selected

Note: currently frontiers are selected based on cardinal directional input. To be extended to natural language input.