
This repository hosts the code and data from the GAUSS blog

Primary LanguageEiffel

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GAUSS blog

This repository houses the code and data to accompany the Aptech GAUSS blogs. The blogs cover a variety of GAUSS topics including programming, best practices, time series, econometrics, graphics, and more.

Getting Started


These program files require a working copy of GAUSS 18+. Many can be run on earlier versions with some small revisions.


Installation instructions for the individual codes are provided in blog-specific README files.


Topic Blog Title Date
Granger causality "Introduction to Granger Causality" 06/29/2021
Impulse response functions "The Intuition Behind Impulse Response Functions and Forecast Error Variance Decomposition" 05/18/2021
Categorical variables "Easy Management of Categorical Variables" 3/19/2021
Data Cleaning "Preparing and Cleaning FRED data in GAUSS" 12/23/2020
Maximum Likelihood "Maximum Likelihood Estimation in GAUSS" 10/15/2020
Panel data stationarity tests "Panel Data Stationarity Tests with Structural Breaks" 10/01/2020
Choice Modeling "Anchoring Vignettes and the Compound Hierarchical Ordered Probit (CHOPIT) Model" 08/31/2020
Graphing "How to Create Tiled Graphs in GAUSS" 08/04/2020
Basic Procedures "Basics of GAUSS Procedures" 07/17/2020
Creating dummy variables "How To Create Dummy Variables in GAUSS" 06/11/2020
Cointegration "How to Interpret Cointegration Test Results" 05/26/2020
Marginal effects "Marginal Effects of Linear Models with Data Transformations" 04/10/2020
Graphing "How to Interactively Create Reusable Graphics Profiles" 05/07/2020
Programming "How to Create a Simple Table with sprintf in GAUSS" 04/10/2020
Programming "The Basics of Optional Arguments in GAUSS Procedures" 02/12/2020
Cointegration "A Guide to Conducting Cointegration Tests" 01/28/2020
Panel Data "How to Aggregate Panel Data in GAUSS" 11/22/2019
Unit root testing "How to Conduct Unit Root Tests in GAUSS" 09/24/2019
Time series analysis "Introduction to the Fundamentals of Time Series Data and Analysis" 09/13/2019
Advanced graphing tools "How to mix, match, and style different graph types" 08/20/2019
Bayesian Samplers "Fundamental Bayesian Samplers" 06/11/2019
Individual effects model "Panel Data Basics: One-way Individual Effects" 04/14/2019
Difference-in-difference estimations "Introduction to Difference-in-Differences Estimation" 03/30/2019
Panel data unit root tests with structural breaks "Panel Data, Structural Breaks and Unit Root Testing" 02/23/2019
Unit root tests with structural breaks "Unit Root Tests with Structural Breaks" 02/16/2019
Quantile regression "The Basics of Quantile Regression" 01/20/2019
Bootstrapping "Basic Bootstrapping in GAUSS" 01/09/2019
Permutation Entropy "Permutation Entropy" 12/11/2018
Cluster-robust SE "Apples to Apples: The case for cluster-robust standard errors" 12/08/2018
ICSS testing for breaks "A Simple Test for Structural Breaks in Variance" 11/30/2018
Singular matrices "Diagnosing a singular matrix" 11/25/2018
High frequency graphs "Graph high frequency Forex data" 11/16/2018
Loading dates and times "Reading dates and times in GAUSS" 11/08/2018
Using #include "What you need to know about #include" 11/02/2018
Speeding up time series code "Make your time series computations up to 20 times faster" 10/11/2018
Repeating simulations from older GAUSS versions "Repeating simulations from older versions of GAUSS" 10/05/2018
Unit root testing with multiple structural breaks "Why the GLS-unit root test with multiple structural breaks" 7/25/2018


Erica Clower
Aptech Systems, Inc
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