← Awesome TypeScript -= Awesome Elasticsearch =-
- Elasticsearch official website
- Logstash is a data pipeline that helps you process logs and other event data from a variety of systems
- Kibana is a data analysis tool that helps to visualize your data; Kibana Manual docs
- beats is the platform for building lightweight, open source data shippers for many types of data you want to enrich with Logstash, search and analyze in Elasticsearch, and visualize in Kibana.
- Relevant Search: with applications for Solr and Elasticsearch - demystifies relevance work. Using Elasticsearch, it teaches you how to return engaging search results to your users, helping you understand and leverage the internals of Lucene-based search engines.
- Elasticsearch in Action - teaches you how to build scalable search applications using Elasticsearch
- Yelp/elastalert is a modular flexible rules based alerting system written in Python
- etsy/411 - an Alert Management Web Application https://demo.fouroneone.io (credentials: user/user)
- exceptionless/Exceptionless is an error (exceptions) collecting and reporting server with client bindings for a various programming languages
- searchkit/searchkit is a UI framework based on React to build awesome search experiences with Elasticsearch
- Simple File Server is an Openstack Swift compatible distributed object store that can serve and securely store billions of large and small files using minimal resources.
- logagent a log shipper to parse and ship logs to Elasticsearch including bulk indexing, disk buffers and log format detection.
- Sense (from Elastic) A JSON aware developer console to ElasticSearch; official and very powerful
- Sense (Google Chrome extension) A JSON aware developer console to ElasticSearch; unofficial but very powerful
- ES-mode An Emacs major mode for interacting with Elasticsearch (similar to Sense)
- Elasticsearch Cheatsheet Examples for the most used queries, API and settings for all major version of Elasticsearch
- Elasticstat CLI tool displaying monitoring informations like htop
- Knapsack plugin is an "swiss knife" export/import plugin for Elasticsearch
- Elasticsearch-Exporter is a command line script to import/export data from ElasticSearch to various other storage systems
- esbulk Parallel elasticsearch bulk indexing utility for the command line.
- elasticdump - tools for moving and saving indicies
- sscarduzio/elasticsearch-readonlyrest-plugin Safely expose Elasticsearch REST API directly to the public
- appbaseio/dejaVu A modern, open-source data browser for Elasticsearch; landing page
- mobz/elasticsearch-head is a powerful and essential plugin for managing your cluster, indices and mapping
- Bigdesk - Live charts and statistics for elasticsearch cluster
- Elastic HQ - Elasticsearch cluster management console with live monitoring and beautiful UI
- Kopf - Another management plugin that have REST console and manual shard allocation
- Search Guard - Elasticsearch security for free
- SIREn Join Plugin for Elasticsearch This plugin extends Elasticsearch with new search actions and a filter query parser that enables to perform a "Filter Join" between two set of documents (in the same index or in different indexes).
- NLPchina/elasticsearch-sql - Query elasticsearch using familiar SQL syntax. You can also use ES functions in SQL.
- elastic/elasticsearch-hadoop - Elasticsearch real-time search and analytics natively integrated with Hadoop (and Hive)
- jprante/elasticsearch-jdbc - JDBC importer for Elasticsearch
- pandasticsearch - An Elasticsearch client exposing DataFrame API
- jprante/elasticsearch-plugin-bundle A plugin that consists of a compilation of useful Elasticsearch plugins related to indexing and searching documents
- elastic/timelion time-series analyses application. Overview and installation guide: Timelion: The time series composer for Kibana
- Kibana Alert App for Elasticsearch - Kibana plugin with monitoring, alerting and reporting capabilities
- nbs-system/mapster - a visualization which allows to create live event 3d maps in Kibana
- Kibana Tag Cloud Plugin - tag cloud visualization plugin based on d3-cloud plugin
- /r/elasticsearch
- Elasticsearch forum
- Stackoverflow
- Books on Amazon does not fit well into this category, but worth to check this out!
- TODO: Put some good twitter accounts
- Centralized Logging with Logstash and Kibana On Ubuntu 14.04 everything you need to now when you are creating your first Elasticsearch+Logstash+Kibana instance
- dwyl/learn-elasticsearch a getting started tutorial with a pack of valuable references
- Make Sense of your Logs: From Zero to Hero in less than an Hour! by Britta Weber demonstrates how you can build Elasticsearch + Logstash + Kibana stack to collect and discover your data
- A Useful Elasticsearch Cheat Sheet in Times of Trouble
- The definitive guide for Elasticsearch on Windows Azure
- ElasticSearch pre-flight checklist
- 9 Tips on ElasticSearch Configuration for High Performance
- Best Practices in AWS
- How to Secure Elasticsearch and Kibana with NGINX, LDAP and SSL 🔒
- Elasticsearch server on Webfaction using NGINX with basic authorization and HTTPS protocol
- Running an Elasticsearch cluster with Docker
- Docker and elasticsearch blog post series by blog.codingtimes.com
- Tuning data ingestion performance for Elasticsearch on Azure - and not only for Azure. That's a great article about Elasticsearch Performance testing by example
- Elasticsearch Indexing Performance Cheatsheet - when you plan to index large amounts of data in Elasticsearch (by Patrick Peschlow)
- ElasticSearch for Logging Elasticsearch configuration tips and tricks from Sanity
- Scaling Elasticsearch to Hundreds of Developers by Joseph Lynch @yelp
- 10 Elasticsearch metrics to watch
- Understanding ElasticSearch Performance
- Our Experience of Creating Large Scale Log Search System Using ElasticSearch - topology, separate master, data and search balancers nodes
- 📂 Elasticsearch on Azure Guidance it is 10% on Azure and 90% of a very valuable general information, tips and tricks about Elasticsearch
- How to avoid the split-brain problem in Elasticsearch
- Datadog's series about monitoring Elasticsearch performance:
- Performance Monitoring Essentials - Elasticsearch Edition
- Apache Hive integration
- Connecting Tableau to ElasticSearch (READ: How to query ElasticSearch with Hive SQL and Hadoop)
- mradamlacey/elasticsearch-tableau-connector
- 5 Logstash Alternatives and typical use cases
- ElastAlert: Alerting At Scale With Elasticsearch, Part 1 by engineeringblog.yelp.com
- ElastAlert: Alerting At Scale With Elasticsearch, Part 2 by engineeringblog.yelp.com
- Elastalert: implementing rich monitoring with Elasticsearch
- Elasticsearch as a Time Series Data Store by Felix Barnsteiner
- Running derivatives on Voyager velocity data By Colin Goodheart-Smithe
- Shewhart Control Charts via Moving Averages: Part 1 - Part 2 by Zachary Tong
- Implementing a Statistical Anomaly Detector: Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 by Zachary Tong
- Classifying images into Elasticsearch with DeepDetect (forum thread with discussion) by Emmanuel Benazera
- Elasticsearch with Machine Learning (English translation) by Kunihiko Kido
- Recommender System with Mahout and Elasticsearch
- Data Infrastructure at IFTTT Elasticsearch, Kafka, Apache Spark, Redhsift, other AWS services
- OFAC compliance with ElasticSearch using AWS
- Building a Streaming Search Platform - Streaming Search on Tweets: Storm, Elasticsearch, and Redis
- LogZoom, a fast and lightweight substitute for Logstash
- Graylog2/graylog2-server - Free and open source log management (based on ES)
- Fluentd vs. Logstash for OpenStack Log Management
- Building a Directory Map With ELK
- Structured logging with ELK - part 1
- Search for 😋 Emoji with Elasticsearch 🔎
- Complete Guide to the ELK Stack
- ElasticSearch in action Thijs Feryn a begginer overview
- How we scaled Raygun
- Getting started with ElasticSearch
- Speed is a Key: Elasticsearch under the Hood introduction + basic performance optimization
- $$ Pluralsight: Getting Started With Elasticsearch for .NET Developers this course will introduce users to Elasticsearch, how it works, and how to use it with .NET projects.
- $$ Complete Guide to Elasticsearch Comprehensive guide to Elasticsearch, the popular search engine built on Apache Lucene
- How Elasticsearch powers the Guardian's newsroom
- Elasticsearch Query Editor in Grapfana
- #bbuzz 2015: Adrien Grand – Algorithms and data-structures that power Lucene and Elasticsearch
- Rafał Kuć - Running High Performance Fault-tolerant Elasticsearch Clusters on Docker and slides
- Working with Elasticsearch - Search, Aggregate, Analyze, and Scale Large Volume Datastores - O'Reilly Media
- End-to-end Recommender System with Spark and Elasticsearch by Nick Pentreath & Jean-François Puget. Slide deck
- ElasticSearch config for a write-heavy cluster - reyjrar/elasticsearch.yml
Yelp, IFTTT, StackExchange, Raygun, Mozilla, Spotify, CERN, NASA
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