
An interactive command line tool to explore c++ module dependencies

Primary LanguagePython


This is a simple tool which gives you an interactive command line for exploring the dependencies between modules in your c and c++ source code.

You give it a list of modules and their roots and it will scan those directories to find all the source and header files they contain, then parse each of them for #include statements. If the #include resolves to a file from another module, that's treated as a dependency.


If the script is in your path & has execute permission:

depexplorer [ <file-or-dir> ]

The file-or-dir argument is optional. It can be either the path to a module list file (see below) or to a directory. If it's a directory, then we will check for the module list file inside that directory; if it doesn't exist there, we'll look in the parent directory; and so on, until we reach the root of the filesystem.

If you don't provide the file-or-dir argument, we search upwards from the current working directory.

Note that unless you specify a filename explcitly on the command line, we assume that the module list file is named "modules.txt".

The module list file

This is a simple text file which tells depexplorer both where to find your source code and how it's divided up into modules.

Each line of the file has the form

<module-name> <module-root>

Where module-name is a short displayable name for the module, which you can use as input to the various commands which take modules as arguments; and module-root is the path to the root directory containing the module's source code. If the module root is a relative path, it's treated as relative to the directory containing the module list file.

We assume that module roots don't overlap at all. That is, you can't have a module inside another module, or two modules with the same root.

At the moment a module can only have one root directory. Adding support for multiple roots per module is on the todo list.


When you run depexplorer, you'll see a prompt. There's an interactive help system which can provide information on the available commands and list all of the known modules:

depexplorer> help
Enter 'help commands' to get a list of the available commands.
Enter 'help modules' to get a list of the available modules.
Enter 'help <command name>' to get info about a specific command.

Bugs, feedback and contributions

The project page for this script is:


If you have any bug reports or suggestions, please use the issue reporting system there.

Feel free to fork this code and do what you like with it. Any pull requests will be gratefully received!