
A geographical footage explorer for footage shot with DJI drones.

Primary LanguageHTML


Drone-Atlas is a Java based application running a web UI that helps you discover the footage you made with your DJI drones. The app parses the subtitles in your footage, and the EXIF data in your images to recover interesting metadata. It then plots these date points on a map for exploration.

Current features

  • Automatic directory scanning for DJI files.
  • Plotting of date points based on GPS on map and satellite views.
  • Date point filtering on type, height and date (and distance from operator).
  • Preview of the footage at the timestamp of the datepoint.
  • Quick opening of the entire media file associated with a date point.

How to use

  1. Download either the .jar or the .exe from the releases. Use the .jar if you have JDK version 13 or greater installed, or the .exe if you want to just run an executable.

  2. Place the downloaded file into a folder you want. Upon first launch it will create a data folder alongside it to store the parsed data from your footage.

  3. On first run the app will prompt you to select where your DJI footage is located.

  4. You will then see your browser open to the map view for exploration, and you will also have a small management window from which you can initiate a new scan of the media directory you selected.


Map view Map view Satellite view Satellite view Point inspection Inspecting a datapoint Opening a video

Opening a video


  1. Clone or download this repo.
  2. Run maven clean compile assembly:single for the jar artifact.
  3. Creating the following exe can be done with Launch4J.