
Bash profiles and terminal settings.

Primary LanguageShell

Bash settings

License: MIT

These are my (fairly minimalistic) Bash settings, contained in the bash_profile and bashrc files. The latter simply sources the former. The gitignore_global file contains git ignore statements that will be used on a global (system-wide) scale. A gitconfig is also included, containing a git username and email, as well as the path to the global gitignore file.

In order to simplify usage of this repo, you can execute the scripts/create_symlinks.sh script, which will create symbolic links in your home folder for the bash profiles and the gitconfig file.

There is also a Bash script (/scripts/hide_home_folder.sh) that hides the default OSX home folders (i.e. "Desktop", "Downloads", etc.) from Finder and creates symbolic links in a new ~/home folder for easy access without cluttering up the default ~ home folder. Simply execute it if you want to use this solution.