Pinned issues
- 9
#796 opened by laurenceomfoisy - 1
Suggestion: add more default options
#842 opened by DiogoFerrari - 1
- 2
Weights not working in datasummary_balance
#840 opened by kleuveld - 1
Fixed effect style for `fixest` object
#839 opened by statzhero - 9
[Feature request] add the ability to easily display hypothesis tests and subgroup means
#838 opened by rferrali - 2
No significance stars for `did` models
#837 opened by EinMaulwurf - 1
- 1
- 1
Labelled variables only with haven
#807 opened by Seviks - 6
Regression: " " in columns starting by a number when using `kableExtra` format for `datasummary_df`
#820 opened by iago-pssjd - 5
add_rows limit?
#813 opened by pyoungblood - 2
Combining `nnet::multinom` and `glm()` models
#821 opened by lorenzoFabbri - 2
LLM Context Summary Function
#830 opened by cturnerbridger - 7
Model summary creates permutations of estimates when summarizing multiple systemfit objects
#831 opened by mronkko - 1
- 5
- 1
- 4
- 4
- 3
- 3
Dot aligned numbers in GoFs
#827 opened by svraka - 1
- 1
Hypothesis testing does not work with systemfit because equation names are removed from parameters
#825 opened by mronkko - 2
Preserve datatype in datasummary output
#824 opened by parasurama - 1
Standardize argument order
#823 opened by statzhero - 1
Typst: error when adding note
#819 opened by DominikVogel - 1
gof_map omits all other statistics
#818 opened by astraetech - 6
Random effects variance
#814 opened by daSilva5 - 2
Modelsummary stopped being able to output to .tex files through kableExtra functions
#812 opened by sometimesabird - 4
Variable labels
#811 opened by statzhero - 1
Option to select method for confidence intervals
#810 opened by dariorrr - 2
`modelplot` Issue: How to change marker types?
#808 opened by ocolluphid - 4
`datasummary()` fails if not attached
#802 opened by fkohrt - 1
- 4
Outdated vignette `modelsummary`
#803 opened by fkohrt - 1
- 6
- 6
- 4
Stars in documentation should be escaped
#797 opened by etiennebacher - 1
Including a call to datasummary_correlation as an argument to datasummary fails with an uninformative error message
#799 opened by mronkko - 1
Accept glue() output in notes
#792 opened by LukasWallrich - 1
Footnote not escaped when it should be
#793 opened by dmurdoch - 2
- 2
- 2
- 3
Typst Error with notes
#788 opened by DominikVogel - 2
Typst: Error duplicate argument: align
#787 opened by DominikVogel - 1
Consider using CloudFlare CDN for polyfill
#786 opened by cicdguy - 3
output="latex" and kableExtra - again
#785 opened by cportner