
Boilerplate for multiplatform 3d rendering project (WIP)

Primary LanguageC



At the time being, this is just a skeleton of a multi-platform rendering engine.

Graphics techniques

What's done

  • Advanced render graph.
    • Programmable via configuration file.
    • Built-in:
      • Deferred-rendering (Phong Shading)
      • Forward-rendering (Phong Shading and shadows)
  • Crappy and awful Entity-Component-System.

What has to be done

  • Advanced render graph.
    • Built-in:
      • Deferred-rendering (PBR and shadows)
  • Basic skeleton animation.

API support

Linux Windows Android
OpenGL ES 3.2 🚅 🚅 🚜
OpenGL 3.3 🚅 🚅
OpenGL 4.6 🚂 🚂
Vulkan 🚧 🚧 🚧
DirectX 11 🚅
DirectX 12 🤞
  • 🚅 Run and build like a charm.
  • 🚜 Run like a charm
  • ❎ API not shippable.
  • 🚂 Not complicated to do, but not the priority.
  • 🚧 Don't hesitate to make a pull request lol.
  • 🤞 It's a dream but we will get there!

(This repo is a Work-In-Progress. Due to last changes, the OpenGL 3.3 backend is the only working backend.)


Before building on any platforms, make sure to fetch git submodules.

git clone https://github.com/vinhig/Imperium
cd Imperium
git submodule init
git submodule update


Warning: completely broken.

Make sure you've installed NDK and Android SDK. glslangValidator has to be installed.

./gradlew installDebug


GLFW3 and glslangValidator are mandatory dependencies.

sudo apt install libglfw-dev glslang-dev glslang-tools # ubuntu 20.04
sudo pacman -S glfw glslang                            # arch linux/manjaro
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..


vcpkg is used to retrieve dependencies.

You have to download glslangValidator and add it to your path.

(DirectX SDK doesn't have a vpckg package. You'll have to install it manually.)

vcpkg install glfw3
# clone repo and fetch submodules
mkdir build
cd build
cmake .. -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE="C:\path\to\your\vcpkg\scripts\buildsystems\vcpkg.cmake"
MSBuild.exe Imperium.sln /property:Configuration=Release /property:Platform=x64

Third party

This project makes heavy use of:

A big thanks to them.


Screenshot 1

Screenshot 2