Author: Vineet Jacob Kuruvilla, PhD
Date: 8th March 2020
The purpose of this project is to show an example of how to use Convolutional Neural Network for image classification tasks. In this project, I have used dog and cat image dataset to classify whether the image is that of a dog or a cat. There are two way to go about this task- 1) Transfer Learning ie., to use a pretrained network and, 2) Design your own CNN. I have used the approach #2 in this project.
Using datastore
Augmenting image data for produce more training data than originally available
Defining a CNN architecture (here only the programmatic way is shown. I used the Deep Network Designer App to build the network. It saves a lot of time.)
Setting the training parameters (also enabling parallel computing option)
Finally, testing the accuracy of the trained network using test data
Deep Learning Toolbox 13.0
Machine Learning and Statistics 11.6
Parallel Computing Toolbox 7.1