A pipeline to select optimal markers for microbial phylogenomics and species tree estimation using the multispecies coalescent and concatenation approaches
- Ahmed-ShiblNYUAD
- bqminhAustralian National University
- Changhai996
- cromanpa94UArizona, UCLA
- DanielleMStevensUC Berkeley
- danielzmbp
- denisfitz57
- dnbaker@langmead-lab
- drhchen
- druvusSweden
- embatty
- FerchoHQ
- fevac
- GeizeUniversity of Pittsburgh
- GitHublilo
- indexofireHZCDC
- IsabelFEBaylor College of Medicine
- jiyunli
- Josema2411
- jotech
- juanuSantiago, Chile
- MauriAndresMU1313Emory University
- MicrofredEscuela Nacional de Ciencias Biológicas, IPN
- moshi4Japan
- Neos21Neo's World
- pavlo888
- rsianiHelmholtz Munich
- Sh1ne111Agricultral Genomics Insititute at Shenzhen(AGIS)
- SwapnilDoijadFriedrich Schiller University, Institute of Viral Ecology and Omics, Jena
- thisisliuqing
- tongzhouxu
- valdeandaUniversity of Florida
- viruss-corp
- ZarrinBasharatPakistan
- ZhonghuiGaiShanghai Jiaotong University