
Credits to Sonny Sangha and Naz Dumansky from cleverprogrammer

Hosting using Firebase:

NOTE: The commands here are executed from npm directory(directory which contains package.json file of npm. For more details on npm visit)

  • create a firebase account using google account
  • go the console and create new project by filling in some details
  • install firebase tools in your npm directory by executing the command "npm i -g firebase-tools"
  • after the installation login into your firebase account by executing the command "firebase login", this will open a window and ask for google account verification
  • after logging into firebase CLI execute the command "firebase init"
  • And select option accordingly, Hosting option would do fine
  • then select use existing project and select the previously created project in firebase
  • for the question on public directory enter answer as "build"
  • then "y" for a single page app or "n"
  • Now create the build of your project by executing the command "npm run build"
  • Now to deploy, execute the command "firebase deploy"
  • Happy deploying!!!🤗
  • Note: If you made some changes to your app and want to deploy the updated one, rebuild the app using "npm run rebuild" and deploy the rebuilded version using "firebase deploy"