
Declaring a Default Queue

Opened this issue · 1 comments

Is it possible to implement a default queue, similar to ActionMailer or Textris's ownfrom value? I don't use the :textris queue and manually setting a queue on every delivery is quite repetitive.

Something like this:

class NotificationTexter < Textris::Base
  default queue: "notifications"

  def cool_update(user)

Another nice option would be be able to override the default :textris queue in an optional initializer. For example, this is how Rollbar approaches this issue:

# config/initializers/rollbar.rb
Rollbar.configure do |config|
  config.use_sidekiq 'queue' => 'low' 

This is a fantastic gem overall, but being able to customize some fairly basic defaults (i.e. #29) would make it much cleaner to incorporate into existing Rails apps.

Hi! Sorry for a huge time without any response here. We're doing our best to de-dust open source projects, but as of writing I must say that we do not meet required throughput to provide resolution for this issue. I'll add Help Wanted label here and if anyone comes up - feel more than welcome to contribute and open a PR!