[WIP] Experimental C++14 multithreaded compile-time entity-component-system library.
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ECST does not compile (gcc or clang) on Windows, issue is either with boost::hana or ECST itself.
#33 opened by anonanon17 - 3
Problem compiling ecst
#30 opened by macdi - 1
Intel C++ & VC15
#29 opened by H1X4Dev - 0
Investigate: allow users to define refresh event handlers in systems, and automagically detect them on `step`
#27 opened by vittorioromeo - 1
Benchmark against `ecs_bench`
#20 opened by vittorioromeo - 6
Multiple components of the same type
#26 opened by simonvpe - 2
Checking if entity has a component
#24 opened by sgodwin424 - 1
Suggestion: Producer/Consumer
#23 opened by miguelmartin75 - 1
The thread pool can freeze if all the tasks depend on something that's not being executed
#22 opened by vittorioromeo - 0
- 0
- 3
Multiple definition errors
#17 opened by sgodwin424 - 1
Passing a tuple of systems to execute_systems() instead of a variadic param pack
#16 opened by bjadamson - 2
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- 4
question: read/write same component from system
#14 opened by bjadamson - 2
Using ECST (or derived) as production ready
#12 opened by julien1619 - 3
- 0
API Documentation?
#10 opened by bjadamson - 2
Help with my configuration
#9 opened by bjadamson - 5
Components without default constructors
#8 opened by bjadamson - 0
ecst include paths
#6 opened by bjadamson - 3
Question about the example
#4 opened by bjadamson