The core component of ViUR, the Python framework for modern web development.
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Implement `UidBone`
#1117 opened by sveneberth - 1
`URIBone` needed
#1219 opened by phorward - 1
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bug: SkeletonInstance.__init__() got an unexpected keyword argument 'clonedBoneMap'
#1285 opened by phorward - 1
Set ViUR session cookie only when necessary
#1276 opened by phorward - 0
getStructure must also be available in the json renderer
#1273 opened by akelch - 0
`viur-blob-locks` entities are just using `id_or_name`
#1214 opened by sveneberth - 1
Replace current SEO-features by universal SEO-Module
#1218 opened by phorward - 1
Dynamic skeleton validation
#1260 opened by phorward - 1
`BooleanBone`'s `defaultValue` cannot be a `callable`
#1178 opened by sveneberth - 0
Extend CORS
#1280 opened by sveneberth - 0
add/edit with pre-filled information requires for a "report no errors"-bounce
#1220 opened by phorward - 3
Set `admin_info` of `Translation` module
#1114 opened by sveneberth - 0
Refactor `User`: `authenticationProviders`, `secondFactorProviders` and `validAuthenticationMethods`
#1127 opened by phorward - 0
Add type for query order
#1115 opened by sveneberth - 1
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Provide a `Skeleton.readonly()` function
#1100 opened by phorward - 1
viur-core's `@jinjaGlobalFilter` `urlencode` shadows Jinja's `urlencode` filter
#1255 opened by sveneberth - 1
downloadUrlFor and srcSetFor for FileBone with languages are not handled correctly
#1265 opened by skoegl - 1
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`PhoneBone` required
#1155 opened by phorward - 1
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`File`-module reference should use instance
#1252 opened by phorward - 0
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Add score validation to `CaptchaBone`
#1242 opened by sveneberth - 1
`NumericBone.setBoneValue` / `fromClient` does not allows large float values
#1234 opened by sveneberth - 1
`viur-relations` entities with `src=null` resulting `AssertionError` in `Skeleton.processRemovedRelations`
#1236 opened by phorward - 1
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Redefine, rewrite and refactor any renderer stuff
#1229 opened by phorward - 0
Update `grpcio`
#1222 opened by sveneberth - 2
`RecordBone` with a `FileBone` inside having weak file references looses its content
#1211 opened by phorward - 1
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`@CacheTime` decorator
#1221 opened by phorward - 1
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compute not working with keybones.
#1138 opened by akelch - 1
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Save hash of files in `FileSkel`
#1176 opened by sveneberth - 1
Fix xml renderer
#1191 opened by sveneberth - 0
Add abstract / base class for all renderers
#1163 opened by sveneberth - 1
Extend `MultipleConstraints` to accept for a sort method
#1185 opened by phorward - 1
Core cleans non breaking spaces from Text Bone Input
#1182 opened by xnopasaranx - 0
a Simple Redirect Handler for mapping urls
#1168 opened by akelch - 0
Arguments passed to an `@exposed` method as positional and keyword are not refused
#1160 opened by sveneberth - 2
RelationalBone `defaultValue` not working
#1152 opened by phorward - 0
refactor: Move special system arguments for `CallDeferred` in `mkdefered`'s signature
#1130 opened by sveneberth - 1
compute doesn't work in a `RelationalBone`
#1116 opened by sveneberth - 2
Implement `has_changed` flag in bones and Skeletons
#1123 opened by sveneberth - 0
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Implement decimal mode in `NumericBone`
#1099 opened by sveneberth