
Sample files to compile and run RTL design files on modelsim

Primary LanguageVerilog


Sample files to compile and run RTL design files on modelsim

Files: hexTo7Seg.v -> design module

tb_hexTo7Seg.v -> test bench for design

hexTo7Seg_run_modelsim.do -> do file to run on modelsim transcript window

modelsim.ini -> default settings for modelsim (vmap copies it from installation directory)

dc-usage.pdf -> design compiler commands in case you want to try this flow in DC

modelsim_ref_v11p7.pdf -> modelsim commands in case you want to explore

Download modelsim

Run modelsim

Change directory to the location of the design files in transcript window

In transcript window, execute: "do hexTo7Seg_run_modelsim.do"

Observe the outputs on waveform and transcript window

"quit -sim" to end simulation "quit" to close modelsim