
Solving Tetris using Cross-Entropy Method

Primary LanguageHaskellMIT LicenseMIT

Cross-Entropy Method: Tetris

Implementation of the Cross-Entropy Method (CEM) for solving Tetris using Haskell Programming Language.


Bot Playing Tetris
  • Human-controllable Tetris
  • Cross-Entropy Method without noise
    • Training is defined as in [2], except the noise part.
    • Mean Points: 25k (20 epochs; points aren't the number of rows)

Usage Scenarios

This section describes how to set up the project for different usage scenarions: human play, bot play, and bot training.

Bot Play

This is a default mode. It is a real-time simulation of the bot playing Tetris. The weights for the bot are specified in src/Tetris/GameLogic.hs file, you can replace them with your own weights if you wish.

Human Play

This mode allows you to play Tetris yourself. To control a tetromino use Up Arrow - rotate, Left Arrow - move left, Right Arrow - move right. To enable this mode, uncomment getUserInteraction and comment out getBotInteraction in src/Tetris.hs file.

Train the Bot

This mode allows you to train the bot from scratch. In order to do that, go to the app/Main.hs file and replace import Tetris with import CrossEntropyMethod.

Also, you can change training hyperparameters.

  • Initial mean values can be changed at Line 21; src/CrossEntropyMethod.hs
  • Initial standard deviation values can be changed at Line 22; src/CrossEntropyMethod.hs
  • Number of simulations per epoch, selection ratio, and number of epochs can be modified at Line 129; src/CrossEntropyMethod.hs

How to Run?

  1. Build the project
    stack build
  2. Run the project
    stack exec cem-tetris-exe

Development Stages

1. Implement basics of Tetris

  • Game state rendering
  • Keyboard controller
  • Generation of random blocks

2. Auxiliary

  • UI:
    • Game Score
    • Show next tetromino
    • Game over menu
  • Bot
    • The value function (basis functions as defined in [1])
    • Action selection (as defined in [2])
    • Cross-Entropy Method (as defined in [2])


[1] Bertsekas and Tsitsiklis, Neuro-Dynamic Programming, page 436, 1996

[2] István Szita and András Lőrincz, Learning Tetris using the noisy cross-entropy method, 2006