VLINGO XOOM platform SDK for the JVM and .NET by Kalele
The OSS platform for rapid delivery of low-code to full-code Reactive, Event-Driven Apps & Microservices supporting DOMA, DDD, and other approaches.
Between nodes.
Pinned Repositories
The VLINGO XOOM platform SDK for the type-safe Actor Model, delivering Reactive concurrency, high scalability, high-throughput, and resiliency using Java and other JVM languages.
The VLINGO XOOM platform SDK cluster management for Reactive, scalable resiliency of JVM tools and applications running on XOOM LATTICE and XOOM ACTORS.
The VLINGO XOOM Designer to guide you in rapid delivery of low-code to full-code Reactive, Event-Driven Microservices and Applications using DOMA, DDD, and other approaches.
The VLINGO XOOM examples demonstrating features and functionality available in the reactive components. See each of the submodules for specific examples.
VLINGO XOOM platform SDK "Hello, World!" service that demonstrates the use of the standard components commonly used.
The VLINGO XOOM platform SDK for Reactive, scalable, high-throughput, and resilient HTTP server supporting RESTful services running on XOOM LATTICE and XOOM ACTORS.
The VLINGO XOOM platform SDK Reactive Domain-Driven Design models that are highly scalable and concurrent. Includes compute grid, actor caching, spaces, cross-node grid cluster messaging, message exchanges, CQRS, and Event Sourcing support.
Use the VLINGO XOOM OSS platform SDK for rapid delivery of low-code to full-code Reactive, Event-Driven Microservices and Applications using DOMA, DDD, and other approaches.
The VLINGO XOOM Schema Registry.
The VLINGO XOOM platform SDK delivering Reactive storage that is scalable, high-throughput, and resilient for CQRS, Event Sourcing, Key-Value, and Objects used by services and applications.
VLINGO XOOM platform SDK for the JVM and .NET by Kalele's Repositories
The VLINGO XOOM platform SDK for the type-safe Actor Model, delivering Reactive concurrency, high scalability, high-throughput, and resiliency using Java and other JVM languages.
The VLINGO XOOM examples demonstrating features and functionality available in the reactive components. See each of the submodules for specific examples.
The VLINGO XOOM Designer to guide you in rapid delivery of low-code to full-code Reactive, Event-Driven Microservices and Applications using DOMA, DDD, and other approaches.
The VLINGO XOOM platform SDK Reactive Domain-Driven Design models that are highly scalable and concurrent. Includes compute grid, actor caching, spaces, cross-node grid cluster messaging, message exchanges, CQRS, and Event Sourcing support.
The VLINGO XOOM platform SDK for Reactive, scalable, high-throughput, and resilient HTTP server supporting RESTful services running on XOOM LATTICE and XOOM ACTORS.
Use the VLINGO XOOM OSS platform SDK for rapid delivery of low-code to full-code Reactive, Event-Driven Microservices and Applications using DOMA, DDD, and other approaches.
The VLINGO XOOM platform SDK delivering Reactive storage that is scalable, high-throughput, and resilient for CQRS, Event Sourcing, Key-Value, and Objects used by services and applications.
The VLINGO XOOM platform SDK cluster management for Reactive, scalable resiliency of JVM tools and applications running on XOOM LATTICE and XOOM ACTORS.
VLINGO XOOM platform SDK "Hello, World!" service that demonstrates the use of the standard components commonly used.
The VLINGO XOOM Schema Registry.
The VLINGO XOOM platform SDK common tools shared across various projects.
The VLINGO XOOM platform SDK authentication and authorization service. This can be used by XOOM platform components and also might be suitable for hosted platform services and applications.
The VLINGO XOOM platform SDK wire protocol messaging implementations, such as with full-duplex TCP and UDP multicast, and RSocket, using VLINGO XOOM ACTORS.
The VLINGO XOOM platform SDK for Reactive Streams built on XOOM ACTORS.
The VLINGO XOOM platform SDK for DOMA and DDD accelerates building highly scalable and high-performance Reactive microservices and applications.
XOOM Cloud Platform configuration, including Helm Charts.
The VLINGO XOOM platform SDK service registry and service discovery for distributed systems.
The VLINGO XOOM SYMBIO implementation for JDBC for Reactive storage using Event-Sourcing, Key-Value, and Object storage.
The VLINGO XOOM platform SDK Reactive metrics collector plugin supporting XOOM ACTORS, XOOM HTTP, XOOM LATTICE, XOOM STREAMS, and others.
Code generation used by XOOM Designer and XOOM Turbo. (Specialized code generation for XOOM Actors, XOOM HTTP, and others remains in their own repositories.)
The VLINGO XOOM platform SDK GraphQL Server running on XOOM HTTP.
The VLINGO XOOM platform SDK implementation of XOOM LATTICE Exchange for Apache Camel.
The VLINGO XOOM platform SDK implementation of XOOM LATTICE Exchange for RabbitMQ.
The VLINGO XOOM platform SDK implementation of XOOM SYMBIO for Apache Geode, providing reactive storage for services and applications.
The VLINGO XOOM platform SDK build tooling using Maven plugins.
Test project for vlingo-maven-plugin and includes examples for that plugin.
The VLINGO XOOM STREAMS tests for the Reactive Streams Technology Compatibility Kit.
The VLINGO XOOM platform SDK implementation of XOOM SYMBIO for Amazon AWS DynamoDB.
The VLINGO XOOM platform messaging component GushMQ and SDK implementation of XOOM Lattice Exchange for GushMQ.
Some VLINGO/PLATFORM experimental projects.