The VLINGO XOOM platform SDK for the type-safe Actor Model, delivering Reactive concurrency, high scalability, high-throughput, and resiliency using Java and other JVM languages.
- alex-dukhnoOdessa, Ukraine
- alfredherr@semantic-shift
- ammachadoRed Hat
- andrisakDenmark
- BanksyPunkShanghai
- bodrin
- BoerrildCapfire ApS and Boerrild Consult
- calvinlfer@kaizen-solutions
- d-ledMunich, Germany
- dantodorBusymachines
- dnvriend@trivento
- drub0yFanatics, Inc.
- dudehook
- hadielmougyBerlin
- j0xafDüsseldorf, Germany
- JavierCane@CodelyTV
- josejuanmontiel
- kajstromVaasa, Finland
- kubagruszka@LibertyGlobal
- lutzh@upvestco
- meetmattDocler Holding
- michaelajrWashington D.C.
- mkorkmaz@reformo
- naferx
- oguzhanerenTrendyol
- rafaeltuelhoRed Hat Inc.
- rodolfodpk
- RodrigoGroenerObjektkultur Software GmbH
- rplessF5
- sandrokeil@proophsoftware
- sap1ensGoldsky
- slashdotdashBinary Consulting
- tpuntLondon, United Kingdom
- uhashimi
- uweschaeferPRISMA European Capacity Platform GmbH
- zhan-ge