Code accompanying the manuscript "Clinical practices underlie COVID-19 patient respiratory microbiome composition and its interactions with the host". Link to preprint:
- Verónica Lloréns Rico, PhD
- Ann C. Gregory, PhD
- script_covid_preprocessing.R: raw data preprocessing
- script_covid_dataexploration.R: initial data exploration and plots
- script_covid_alphadiv.R: Alpha diversity analyses and glmm modeling
- script_covid_betadiv.R: dbRDA analyses of microbiome composition
- script_covid_diffabundances.R: differential taxon abundance analyses
- script_covid_species_strain_analyses.R: macro-vs-micro diversity analyses
- script_covid_sc_analyses.R: analyses on the scRNA-seq data of the lower respiratory tract cohort
- data/: use this folder to download the raw data and metadata tables from EGA (with controlled access, accession number EGAS00001004951). Contains two additional files:
- sample_ids.txt: contains sample IDs to preprocess the data (used in script_covid_dataexploration.R)
- coding_table_final.txt: contains explanations of the metadata variables (used in script_covid_betadiv.R)
- R/: additional R functions, called by the different scripts
All code was run on laptop/desktop computers with 8 cores with 16GB RAM
Required: R ( The code in this repository was run on R v.4.0.5. Recommended: Rstudio (
R packages required:
- dada2 (v1.18.0)
- phyloseq (v1.34.0)
- ggplot2 (v3.3.3)
- ggpubr (v0.4.0)
- cowplot (v1.1.1)
- tidyverse (v1.3.1)
- reshape2 (v1.4.4)
- compositions (v2.0.1)
- vegan (v2.5.7)
- rstatix (v0.7.0)
- ALDEX2 (v1.22.0)
- ggrepel (v0.9.1)
- tibble (v3.1.2)
- DECIPHER (v2.18.1)
- Biostrings (v2.58.0)
- biomod2 (v3.5.1)
- wesanderson (v0.3.6)
- colortools (v0.1.5)
- ggiraph (v0.7.10)
- ggiiraphExtra (v0.3.0)
- glmulti (v1.0.8)
- sjPlot (v2.8.7)
- lme4 (v1.1.27)
- CoDaSeq (v0.99.6)
- DESeq2 (v1.30.1)
- mixOmics (v6.14.1)
- lubridate (v1.7.10)
- Seurat (v4.0.4)
- chisq.posthoc.test (v0.1.2)
- ggmosaic (v0.3.3)
- patchwork (v1.1.1)
- gtable(v0.3.0)
- Download raw sequencing files and metadata from EGA: link to study
- Store them in the
folder, or any other directory of your choice. - Run
. This will do all the raw data preprocessing: quality control, trimming, denoising, ASV assignation and taxonomic annotation, as well as decontamination. - Run
. This will do the initial data exploration, and generate some of the plots available in Figure 1. - Run
. This will perform the alpha diversity analyses and modeling section. - Run
. This will perform the beta diversity analyses and modeling section. - Run
. This will perform the differential taxon abundances reported in the manuscript. - Run
. This will perform the analyses on macro- and micro-diversity, shown in Figure 2. - Download and process raw sequencing files from the scRNA-seq lower respiratory tract cohort. link to study and link to study website
- Run
. This will perform the analyses on the lower respiratory tract cohort, shown in Figure 3.