
FlowCode : utilities to convert between .flo format (optical flow) to .exr format

Primary LanguageC++

What's Changed?

Updated to opencv-4


utilities to convert from .flo format (optical flow) to .exr format

  • flo2exr : convert .flo to .exr

    usage: ./flo2exr [-quiet] in.flo out.exr

  • exr2flo : convert .exr to .flo

    usage: ./exr2flo [-quiet] in.exr out.flo

  • flo2png : visualize .flo file into a png

    usage: ./flo2png [-quiet] in.flo out.png [maxmotion]

  • deepflow_opencv : compute flow field between im1 and im2 with opencv deepflow method

    usage: ./deepflow_opencv im1.png im2.png out.flo

    ./deepflow_opencv --gpu im1.png im2.png out.flo

    ./deepflow_opencv --exr --gpu im1.png im2.png out.exr

    use -d to downsample the flow computation (-d=.5 will compute at half resolution)

Compile :

you need to have opencv installed

git clone --recursive https://github.com/lulu1315/FlowCode.git
cd FlowCode
mkdir build;cd build
cmake ..