
Arduino Driver for TDK InvenSense consumer ultrasonic sensor family ICUX0201

Primary LanguageCBSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" LicenseBSD-3-Clause


ICUx0201 Arduino library

This arduino library for the TDK/Invensense ICUx0201 Time-of-Flight sensors. The ICU-x0201 devices are miniature, ultra-low power, long-range ultrasonic Time-of-Flight (ToF) transceivers. This library supports ICU-10201, ICU-20201 and ICU-30201 devices.

Software setup

Use Arduino Library manager to find and install the ICUx0201 library.

Hardware setup

There is currenlty no Arduino shield for the ICU-x0201 sensors. The wiring must be done manually between the Arduino motherboard and the Ultrasonic ToF EVK board. The below wiring description is given for an Arduino Zero board:

Arduino Zero Ultrasonic ToF EVK board
3V3 J5.1
5V J10.19
GND J5.3
MISO=SPI.1 J5.11
SCK=SPI.3 J5.5
CS=DIG.10 J5.12
INT1=DIG.2 J5.8

Note: SPI Chip Select can be mapped on any free digital IO, updating the sketches accordingly. INT1 interrupt line can be mapped on any free interruptable IO, updating the sketches accordingly.

The ICU-x0201 sensor module must be connected with a flex to the J3 connector (Device 0 port).

Library API

Create ICUx0201 instance

ICUX0201_GeneralPurpose(SPIClass &spi_ref,uint8_t cs_id,uint8_t int1_id) Create an instance of the ICUx0201 that will be accessed using the specified SPI. The IO numbers to be used as chip select and int1 must be specified. The ICUx0201 instance will be programmed with the General Purpose firmware.

ICUX0201_GeneralPurpose ICU(SPI,10,2);

ICUX0201_Presence(SPIClass &spi_ref,uint8_t cs_id,uint8_t int1_id) Create an instance of the ICUx0201 that will be accessed using the specified SPI. The IO numbers to be used as chip select and int1 must be specified. The ICUx0201 instance will be programmed with the Presence Detection firmware.

ICUX0201_Presence ICU(SPI, 10, 2);

Initialize the ICUx0201

Call the begin method to execute the ICUx0201 initialization routine.

int begin()

Initializes all the required parameters in order to communicate and use the ICU-x0201 sensor.


Start sensor

int free_run()

This method configure and starts the sensor in free run mode with maximum detection range and a measure interval set to 100ms.


int free_run(uint16_t max_range_mm, uint16_t interval)

This method configure and starts the sensor in free run mode with a detection range and a measure interval provided by the user. Maximum detection range is in mm, maximum values are 750 mm for ICU-10201, 4000 mm for ICU-20201 and 7000 mm for ICU-30201. Measure interval is in ms.

ICU.free_run(500, 200);

Get Sensor Data

bool data_ready()

The function returns true if a measure is available, false if not.

    Serial.println("A measure has completed");

uint8_t get_iq_data(ch_iq_sample_t* iq_data, uint16_t nb_samples)

This method get the sensor raw I/Q data. The function returns 0 when successful (non-zero value if an error occurs). iq_data must be an array of ICU_MAX_NUM_SAMPLES elements of ch_iq_sample_t (see definition below)

ch_iq_sample_t raw_data[ICU_MAX_NUM_SAMPLES];
uint16_t nb_samples;
/* Get raw data from the sensor */
Serial.println("ICU Raw Data");
for (int count = 0; count < nb_samples; count++) {
  /* output one I/Q pair per line */


This structure is used by the ICUX0201 driver to return raw I/Q sensor data. Available data is:

Field name description
q Q component of sample
i I component of sample

Get range with ICUX0201_GeneralPurpose instance

float get_range(void)

This method returns the detected range in mm. Range is set to 0, if no target is found.

float range_mm = ICU.get_range();

Get range and presence with ICUX0201_Presence instance

uint16_t get_range(void)

This method returns the detected range in cm. Range is set to 0, if no target is found.

uint16_t range_cm = ICU.get_range();

bool get_presence(void)

This method returns the presence flag. Presence flag is set to 1, when a target is found.

bool presence = ICU.get_presence();

Available Sketches


This sketch initializes an ICUx0201, and starts the Time-of-Flight in free run mode. The detected range is printed on the Serial monitor, and can be plotted with the Serial plotter.

Serial Plotter


This sketch initializes an ICU20201, and starts the Presence Detection algorithm. When a target is detected, the presence flag is set to 1 and the target range is computed. Presence flag and target range are printed on the Serial monitor, and can be plotted with the Serial plotter (Due to automatic scaling of Serial plotter, the range should be disabled to observe presence flag).

Serial Plotter


This sketch initializes an ICUx0201, and starts the Time-of-Flight in free run mode. For each sample, the raw I/Q data is printed on the Serial monitor.