Biodiversity Data Scientist.
Department of Biological Science, University of Southern CaliforniaWashington, DC
vmshirey's Followers
- kkougiouAthens - Patras, Greece
- bienflorenciaBiodiversidata | ČZU
- decoderwhoami
- Charles-ChrismannInstitut de l'Internet et du Multimédia (IIM)
- Hanna-JacksonSimon Fraser University
- sk466366
- MeymounB@Next-Generation-Dev
- KylerCondranCanada
- mluerigFlorida Museum of Natural History
- VascoBrancoUniversity of Helsinki
- hayesrebecca
- baiottoeLos Angeles, CA
- JaymeLewthwaiteLos Angeles, CA
- ynzhangrong
- emilyostrow
- sunray1@BioKIC
- gracehorneUC Davis
- cralibeCornell University
- SamiraRamziUMZ
- rheakgoswami
- mgaynor1University of Florida
- fchichorro@Earthster
- lmguzmanUniversity of Southern California
- pankajsinghchamyal
- mbelitz
- vijaybarveGainesville, FL
- thecrobeVU Amsterdam, SPUN
- cnell-usgs
- lponisio
- marianaabarcazamaSmith College
- GZhang2University of Florida
- vincentolearyUnceded Shawnee & Osage Land