a Leaflet plugin which adds new control to switch between different layers on the map. New control extends L.Control.Layers and replaces radio button panel with select tag.
- AgustinQuetto@DigiventuresFintech
- aimeedu
- alabargaExperimental Serendipity
- ali-masterBitex
- bestpikaやりたい事しかできない
- bethzilla87110
- cybermatatuInfinite Psyche
- d-wassermanAlta
- dawood-devVancouver, BC
- edx903@geointcn
- geryoungsuzhou.china
- Glavin001Remote Software Developer
- harryprinceMobike
- HZ-labshz.labs
- jmvargasVeepee @vente-privee
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- minhoryangComcom.ai
- mtjhrsk
- N00bie-to-Github
- neojavan
- pztrickNew York, New York
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- rildomoraesFortaleza, Ceará, Brasil
- soronubot
- spatialhastUkraine
- stefanocudiniAlps
- thdtjsdnthdtjsdn
- timelyportfolioavailable
- tormi@wunderio
- yohanbonifaceEnix
- zepintoOceanScan MST
- zzarcon@atlassian