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Serverless Plugins allow users to extend or overwrite the framework's core functionality. Many of these plugins are contributed by our amazing community members! 🎉
This repository is meant to be the one stop shop for all the awesome plugins out there in the serverless ecosytem.
If you have ideas for features or plugins, add a new thread in the issues.
Plugin | Author |
Raml Serverless Serverless plugin to work with RAML API spec documents |
andrewcurioso |
Serverless Alexa Plugin Serverless plugin to support Alexa Lambda events |
rajington |
Serverless Aws Alias This plugin enables use of AWS aliases on Lambda functions. |
HyperBrain |
Serverless Aws Documentation Serverless plugin to add documentation and models to the serverless generated API Gateway |
9cookies |
Serverless Build Plugin A Node.js focused build plugin for serverless. |
nfour |
Serverless Cljs Plugin Enables Clojurescript as an implementation language for Lambda handlers |
nervous-systems |
Serverless Coffeescript A Serverless plugin to compile your CoffeeScript into JavaScript at deployment |
duanefields |
Serverless Command Line Event Args This module is Serverless Framework plugin. Event JSON passes to your Lambda function in commandline. |
horike37 |
Serverless Crypt Securing the secrets on Serverless Framework by AWS KMS encryption. |
marcy-terui |
Serverless Dir Config Plugin EXPERIMENTAL - Serverless plugin to load function and resource definitions from a directory. |
economysizegeek |
Serverless Dotnet A serverless plugin to run 'dotnet' commands as part of the deploy process |
fruffin |
Serverless Dynamodb Local Serverless Dynamodb Local Plugin - Allows to run dynamodb locally for serverless |
99xt |
Serverless Enable Api Logs Enables Coudwatch logging for API Gateway events |
paulSambolin |
Serverless Event Constant Inputs Allows you to add constant inputs to events in Serverless 1.0. For more info see constant values in Cloudwatch |
dittto |
Serverless Jest Plugin A Serverless Plugin for the Serverless Framework which adds support for test-driven development using Jest |
SC5 |
Serverless Mocha Plugin A Serverless Plugin for the Serverless Framework which adds support for test-driven development using Mocha |
SC5 |
Serverless Offline Emulate AWS λ and API Gateway locally when developing your Serverless project |
dherault |
Serverless Offline Scheduler Runs scheduled functions offline while integrating with serverless-offline |
ajmath |
Serverless Plugin Aws Alerts A Serverless plugin to easily add CloudWatch alarms to functions |
ACloudGuru |
Serverless Plugin Bind Deployment Id A Serverless plugin to bind the randomly generated deployment resource to your custom resources |
jacob-meacham |
Serverless Plugin Browserify Speed up your node based lambda's |
doapp-ryanp |
Serverless Plugin Cfauthorizer This plugin allows you to define your own API Gateway Authorizers as the Serverless CloudFormation resources and apply them to HTTP endpoints. |
SC5 |
Serverless Plugin Cloudwatch Sumologic Plugin which auto-subscribes a log delivery lambda function to lambda log groups created by serverless |
ACloudGuru |
Serverless Plugin Diff Compares your local AWS CloudFormation templates against deployed ones. |
nicka |
Serverless Plugin Encode Env Var Objects Serverless plugin to encode any environment variable objects. |
yonomi |
Serverless Plugin External Sns Events Add ability for functions to use existing or external SNS topics as an event source |
silvermine |
Serverless Plugin Graphiql A Serverless plugin to run a local http server for graphiql and your graphql handler |
bencooling |
Serverless Plugin Include Dependencies This is a Serverless plugin that should make your deployed functions smaller. |
dougmoscrop |
Serverless Plugin Lambda Dead Letter A Serverless plugin that can configure a lambda with a dead letter queue or topic |
gmetzker |
Serverless Plugin Multiple Responses Enable multiple content-types for Response template |
silvermine |
Serverless Plugin Optimize Bundle with Browserify, transpile with Babel to ES5 and minify with Uglify your Serverless functions. |
FidelLimited |
Serverless Plugin Package Dotenv File A Serverless plugin to copy a .env file into the serverless package |
ACloudGuru |
Serverless Plugin Scripts Add scripting capabilities to the Serverless Framework |
mvila |
Serverless Plugin Select Select which functions are to be deployed based on region and stage. |
FidelLimited |
Serverless Plugin Simulate Simulate AWS Lambda and API Gateway locally using Docker |
gertjvr |
Serverless Plugin Stack Outputs Displays stack outputs for your serverless stacks when sls info is ran |
svdgraaf |
Serverless Plugin Stage Variables Add stage variables for Serverless 1.x to ApiGateway, so you can use variables in your Lambda's |
svdgraaf |
Serverless Plugin Subscription Filter A serverless plugin to register AWS CloudWatchLogs subscription filter |
tsub |
Serverless Plugin Warmup Keep your lambdas warm during Winter. |
FidelLimited |
Serverless Plugin Webpack A serverless plugin to automatically bundle your functions individually with webpack |
goldwasserexchange |
Serverless Plugin Write Env Vars Write environment variables out to a file that is compatible with dotenv |
silvermine |
Serverless Prune Plugin Deletes old versions of functions from AWS, preserving recent and aliased versions |
claygregory |
Serverless Python Individually A serverless framework plugin to install multiple lambda functions written in python |
cfchou |
Serverless Python Requirements Serverless plugin to bundle Python packages |
UnitedIncome |
Serverless Resources Env After Deploy, this plugin fetches cloudformation resource identifiers and sets them on AWS lambdas, and creates local .-env file |
rurri |
Serverless Run Function Plugin Run serverless function locally |
lithin |
Serverless Scriptable Plugin Customize Serverless behavior without writing a plugin. |
weixu365 |
Serverless Step Functions AWS Step Functions with Serverless Framework. |
horike37 |
Serverless Subscription Filter Serverless plugin to register subscription filter for Lambda logs. Register and pipe the logs of one lambda to another to process. |
blackevil245 |
Serverless Webpack Serverless plugin to bundle your lambdas with Webpack |
elastic-coders |
Serverless Wsgi Serverless plugin to deploy WSGI applications (Flask/Django/Pyramid etc.) and bundle Python packages |
logandk |
After adding your plugin to the plugins.json
file, run npm run docs
to regenerate the plugin list table in the