
Provides a Python implementation of the camcoil program (originally written in C) to estimate the random coil chemical shift values from a sequence (string) of amino-acids.

Primary LanguagePythonGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

PyCamcoil (version 1.0.0)


This repository provides a "Python implementation" of the camcoil program (originally written in C) to estimate the random coil chemical shift values from a sequence (string) of amino-acids.

There might be updates in the future, but this first version is now fully operational.

M. Vrettas, PhD.


There are two options to install the software.

  1. The easiest way is to visit the GitHub web-page of the project and download the code in zip format. This option does not require a prior installation of git on the computer.

  2. Alternatively one can clone the project directly using git as follows:

    $ git clone https://github.com/vrettasm/PyCamcoil.git

Required packages

The recommended version is Python 3.6+. Some required packages are:

numpy, pathlib, pandas

To simplify the required packages just use:

$ pip install -r requirements.txt

How to run

To execute the program, first navigate to the main directory of the project (i.e. where the camcoil.py is located), and then run the following command:

$ ./camcoil.py -s TESTAMINOSEQ

The output should be:

2: EQ
    ID  RES        CA        CB          C        H       HA          N
0    1    T  61.30774  70.08048  174.94060  8.22782  4.42540  115.78010
1    2    E  56.62326  30.30048  176.72142  8.39908  4.33240  122.87622
2    3    S  58.30388  63.78776  174.88248  8.30858  4.47402  116.85280
3    4    T  61.39336  69.90206  174.70254  8.17616  4.42510  116.43512
4    5    A  52.78414  19.21966  177.31598  8.29420  4.34400  126.55214
5    6    M  55.63120  32.83290  176.46296  8.22956  4.51812  120.84098
6    7    I  60.63876  39.09866  175.88120  8.26586  4.27638  120.65694
7    8    N  53.03970  39.16040  175.29378  8.39686  4.74836  122.90968
8    9    O  62.63300  33.84500  175.98300      NaN  4.76300  139.06800
9   10    S  58.07210  63.89002  174.83516  8.29660  4.51762  117.30086
10  11    E  56.58864  30.32174  176.38200  8.37418  4.34432  122.86766
11  12    Q  55.71748  29.58952  176.10200  8.20326  4.35074  120.44640

Hint: If you want to run the program on multiple sequences you can include them one after the other, with a space ' ' between them as follows:

$ ./camcoil.py -s TESTSEQA TESTSEQC TESTSEQD ...

This will run PyCamcoil on all the sequences and will display the results for each one separately.

To see the full help information, type:

$ ./camcoil.py --help

Note: The input sequence can be given with and without double-quotes. Example:

1. $ ./camcoil.py -s "TESTAMINOSEQ"

is equivalent to:

2. $ ./camcoil.py -s TESTAMINOSEQ


The code can also be called independently in any other Python program by importing the main module as:

# Import the main module.
from src.camcoil_engine import CamCoil

# Create an object.
r_coil = CamCoil()

# Use it to get a dataframe.
df_coil = r_coil("APKAPADGL")

# Display the random coil values.

   ID  RES        CA        CB          C        H       HA          N
0   1    A  51.41214  19.07014  176.52162  8.24460  4.47156  125.51232
1   2    P  62.60744  31.82580  177.00832  NaN      4.43674  137.18000
2   3    K  56.14292  32.88032  176.38484  8.31074  4.36828  122.10046
3   4    A  51.34046  19.11406  176.52994  8.21902  4.47378  125.42938
4   5    P  62.50610  31.85898  177.01894  NaN      4.44632  137.18000
5   6    A  52.64648  19.28308  177.36534  8.28882  4.33092  124.59918
6   7    D  54.28196  41.20876  176.66546  8.28206  4.61802  119.64270
7   8    G  45.88736  NaN       174.37640  8.27726  4.12000  109.77946
8   9    L  55.03396  42.38164  177.30200  8.04950  4.37060  122.16668

The main module (when is called directly inside a python environment as above) averages around '0.5' sec per '100' residue amino-acid chain:


505 ms ± 35.9 ms per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 1 loop each)


The work is described in detail at:

  1. Alfonso De Simone, Andrea Cavalli, Shang-Te Danny Hsu, Wim Vranken and Michele Vendruscolo (2009). "Accurate Random Coil Chemical Shifts from an Analysis of Loop Regions in Native States of Proteins". Journal of the American Chemical Society (JACS), 131 (45), 16332 - 16333.


For any questions/comments (regarding the code) please contact me at: vrettasm@gmail.com