
An experimental design lab for spatial computing . (legacy project)

Primary LanguageVueMIT LicenseMIT


UPDATE: This version of Canvatorium was archived in March of 2023. Please see the project: Radical Canvatorium.

An experimental design lab for spatial computing built in Vue JS and Babylon JS.

Canvatorium is a place where I'm experimenting with UI/UX ideas in WebXR, mostly in the context of VR.

  • Read about the project here
  • Issues and ideas can be found here

Project setup

npm install

Compiles and hot-reloads for development

npm run serve

Compiles and minifies for production

npm run build

Local network SSL certs

WebXR scenes need to be served over HTTPS. While working on the project locally, I often need to test the scene on another device such as an Oculus Quest 2. I followed the steps in the article linked below and configured the project with some self-signed certs that will work for local network testing. The browser may still warn or block these certs, but you can click past the warning and access the scene. If you are working with a VR headset attached to your PC, then you can remove the https object from vue.config.js.

Alternative: you can use ngrok to forward your local dev server to a URL. I found this to be really slow and prone to errors...

Used for testing the WebXR scene on an Oculus Quest while connected to the dev server over the local network. More info: https://bharathvaj.me/blog/use-ssl-with-vue-cli-locally


mkdir -p .certs


mkcert -key-file ./.certs/key.pem -cert-file ./.certs/cert.pem "localhost"

If you don't want to use these certs just disable the following lines in vue.config.js

 https: {
      key: fs.readFileSync(".certs/key.pem"),
      cert: fs.readFileSync(".certs/cert.pem")

Babylon JS Stable

Install the latest Stable version Babylon JS

npm install --save babylonjs babylonjs-gui babylonjs-loaders
npm install --save babylonjs-materials
npm install --save babylonjs-procedural-textures
npm install --save-dev babylonjs-inspector

Babylon JS Preview

Babylon JS 5.0 is in beta as of time of writing. With updates shipping often, it find it best to install all of the dependencies at once after a new release. Install the latest Babylon JS 5.0 Preview

npm install --save babylonjs@preview babylonjs-gui@preview babylonjs-loaders@preview
npm install --save babylonjs-materials@preview
npm install --save babylonjs-procedural-textures@preview
npm install --save-dev babylonjs-inspector@preview