
A fast object tracking method by using JPDA-IMM-UKF.

Primary LanguageC++Apache License 2.0Apache-2.0


A fast object tracking method by using JPDA-IMM-UKF.

ros kinetic pcl 1.8 dataset kitti

Tracking Result

[youtube link] [bilibili link]

Image text


This project combine JPDA, IMM(CV,CTRV,CTRA) and UKF to achieve a fast object tracking method.


  1. ROS

  2. pcl

  3. boost

  4. Eigen

How to use

  1. Download the kitti tracking dataset

    For number 0020,orgnaize the data as follows:

    └── tracking0020
    ├── calib
    ├── image_2
    ├── lable_02
    ├── oxts
    └── velodyne

    Change the data path in launch file.

  2. Build the code

  3. Run

    source devel/setup.bash
    roslaunch track.launch


[1] JPDA

[2] UKF