ROS packages for improving the pose estimate of particle filters during pose tracking with 2D lidars via feedback methods of scan--to--map-scan matching and pose selection.
Motivation, rationale, methodology, and results are reported in the following publication:
author = {Filotheou, Alexandros and Tsardoulias, Emmanouil and Dimitriou, Antonis and Symeonidis, Andreas and Petrou, Loukas},
doi = {10.1007/s10846-020-01253-6},
issn = {0921-0296},
journal = {Journal of Intelligent {\&} Robotic Systems},
month = {dec},
number = {3-4},
pages = {925--944},
title = {{Pose Selection and Feedback Methods in Tandem Combinations of Particle Filters with Scan-Matching for 2D Mobile Robot Localisation}},
url = {},
volume = {100},
year = {2020}