- 43
- 0
Further explainer updates
#270 opened by matatk - 0
Review alternative implementation suggestions
#271 opened by matatk - 1
- 0
Add IDs section to Registry draft
#269 opened by ghurlbot - 3
- 2
- 3
Usage of adapt-* attributes in HTTP Archive
#222 opened by zcorpan - 1
Issue 240 next steps
#268 opened by ghurlbot - 0
Post draft session proposal -
#263 opened by ghurlbot - 1
Slides for AC2024
#265 opened by ghurlbot - 1
Prepare slides for Breakouts Day session -
#262 opened by ghurlbot - 1
Slides for AC2024 due 2024-03-26 [1]
#266 opened by ghurlbot - 1
Report that gb doesn't work with GitHub Discussions
#260 opened by ghurlbot - 2
Follow up on "Well-known URL[s]"
#231 opened by matatk - 2
- 2
- 25
- 1
reply on the WHATWG thread
#242 opened by ghurlbot - 0
reformat the gap analysis wiki page
#243 opened by ghurlbot - 3
WAI-Adapt fallbacks to equivalent microformats
#221 opened by Seirdy - 0
test action list function
#241 opened by ghurlbot - 2
- 3
- 4
- 1
WCAG 2.2 use of personalization
#202 opened by rachaelbradley - 0
Symbols: clarify author/renderer responsibilities, expectations and the simple rendering process
#204 opened by matatk - 1
Use GitHub action instead of Travis CI
#193 opened by plehegar - 0
Privacy and Security Considerations section review for Personalization Semantics Content
#197 opened by ruoxiran - 1
coga glossary
#173 opened by lseeman - 2
- 6
Implied essentiality levels of some @action values
#184 opened by matatk - 3
- 0
Improving the logic of the simplification example
#187 opened by matatk - 0
Explainer - Editorial Issues
#178 opened by matatk - 2
Explainer - Content Issues
#177 opened by matatk - 4
input-purpose `language` should reference BCP47
#175 opened by aphillips - 1
Content Module 1: destination vs. rel attribute
#172 opened by dauwhe - 6
data-purpose attribute referencing
#145 opened by aphillips - 4
Consider semantics for accessible route
#160 opened by rachaelbradley - 4
Are attributes supported for simplification?
#143 opened by aphillips - 4
add "distressing" as a distraction
#147 opened by lseeman - 8
addin isse for the url for images (ignore
#148 opened by lseeman - 1
- 0
Meeet ups
#150 opened by mark198181 - 3
Misuse of data- attributes
#157 opened by adactio - 2
- 2
Bidi considerations [I18N]
#155 opened by aphillips - 1
- 2