Pinned issues
- 7
- 3
LOAD with WHERE block
#202 opened by chiarcos - 6
#187 opened by kurtcagle - 67
LINDT units of measure
#129 opened by VladimirAlexiev - 4
Support for nulls in RDF Lists to preserve positioning in the list when needed
#196 opened by ebremer - 1
Support for Vectors and Matrices
#163 opened by AdamSobieski - 13
- 14
ndjson-ld format
#140 opened by VladimirAlexiev - 22
SPARQL binding paradoxes
#195 opened by VladimirAlexiev - 4
- 11
Pathfinding/More Expressive Path Queries
#191 opened by mgberg - 5
SPARQL Service Description: add "features/dialects" and a client protocol
#152 opened by VladimirAlexiev - 13
- 10
- 1
- 0
#188 opened by kurtcagle - 3
RDF object mapping
#186 opened by frensjan - 3
Multivalued query params
#161 opened by VladimirAlexiev - 1
Support for recursion
#184 opened by rivettp - 3
Datatype triple patterns
#182 opened by IS4Code - 0
- 7
Provide a test suite for the SEP
#173 opened by Tpt - 0
Specify the RDF dataset for a query based on a query
#178 opened by jaw111 - 0
- 0
- 7
Use labels instead of URIs
#159 opened by mielvds - 4
Chained CONSTRUCT queries
#160 opened by BenjaminHofstetter - 11
Generalize prefix over HTTP and HTTPS URIs
#156 opened by ddeboer - 12
What is an URI scheme?
#158 opened by VladimirAlexiev - 3
Use HTTP QUERY method
#155 opened by rubensworks - 5
internationalize SPARQL currency
#154 opened by ericprud - 0
Make service description mandatory
#153 opened by rubensworks - 26
Entity-based Construct Queries
#128 opened by Aklakan - 0
Would a SPARQL "living standard" be a good idea?
#150 opened by pchampin - 2
Standardize a bulk loading API
#149 opened by JervenBolleman - 1
- 7
str should work on bnode
#139 opened by VladimirAlexiev - 2
Align namespace for SPARQL Query Results XML Format in recommendation and XML Schema
#146 opened by jaw111 - 2
SEP : Turn on/off Entailment Regimes and OWL 2 Profiles from a SPARQL query
#143 opened by BorderCloud - 0
provide for media type variants
#145 opened by lisp - 5
sd:graphStore property
#144 opened by namedgraph - 14
Concurrent updates
#141 opened by namedgraph - 0
Update data descriptions in the SPARQL spec to use turtle 1.1 SPARQL style PREFIX forms
#142 opened by RickMoynihan - 16
- 7
let's use github discussions
#136 opened by VladimirAlexiev - 1
Rename default branch as "main"
#138 opened by afs - 7
- 1
- 4
- 6
Sharing queries and custom functions
#131 opened by JervenBolleman