Assembles a graph manifold from time series single-cell RNAseq data

Primary LanguageMATLABBSD 2-Clause "Simplified" LicenseBSD-2-Clause


STITCH assembles a graph manifold from time series single-cell RNA sequencing data. STITCH acknowledges that the gene expression signatures defining a complex biological process (e.g. embryonic development) can change dramatically over time. Rather than projecting data from several timepoints into a single low-dimensional latent space, STITCH instead assembles a manifold that is defined through a series of overlapping, locally-defined PCA subspaces.

  1. Non-mutual k-nearest-neighborhoods are first obtained for each cell in timepoint i. Neighbor edges are queried from timepoints i (within-timepoint edges) and i-1 (link edges) after projecting into a PCA subspace defined by all cells from timepoint i.
  2. Outgoing edges are then subject to local and global neighborhood restictions.
  3. The graph is restricted to mutual edges.

STITCH is heuristic but it does not use pre-defined clusters to guide construction of the manifold. Nor does it make topological assumptions (e.g. a "tree-like" organization) about the underlying data. A STITCH graph can be used as a starting point for data visualization and exploration by generating a force-directed layout (e.g. ForceAtlas2 in Gephi).

This version of STITCH was written in Matlab (2017a) and requires the 'Statistics and Machine Learning Toolbox'.

STITCH was developed and used to analyze zebrafish embryonic development in:
Single-cell mapping of gene expression landscapes and lineage in the zebrafish embryo. Wagner DE, Weinreb C, Collins ZM, Briggs JA, Megason SG, Klein AM. Science 26 Apr 2018. doi:10.1126/science.aar4362



Input data are supplied to STITCH as a Matlab object called "DataSet". "DataSet" is a structure array with the following fields and one record for each timepoint sample:

  1. DataSet.name. A unique string identifier for each sample timepoint (REQUIRED).
  2. DataSet.ind. A numeric index indicating timeseries order (REQUIRED).
  3. DataSet.X. A UMI-filtered counts matrix; rows=transcripts, columns=cells (REQUIRED). X can be supplied as a sparse matrix.
  4. DataSet.gene_ind. An array of gene row indices, e.g. highly variable genes (OPTIONAL). If not provided, variable genes can be determined using a corrected Fano factor test statistic as reported in Klein et. al. 2015.
  5. DataSet.batch_flag. A numeric array of sample batch IDs for each cell within each timepoint (OPTIONAL). If present, gene normalizations are performed within each batch.
  6. DataSet.nDim. Number of PCA dimensions to use for each timepoint (OPTIONAL). If not provided, a single value ('nDim') will be used for all timepoints.

An example DataSet from Wagner et. al. 2018 can be downloaded here.


Parameter settings for data preprocessing (see "scTools") and the main STITCH pipeline (see "stitch_get_graph") are specified using optional name/value pairs. Default behavior implements settings used in Wagner et. al. 2018.

           Initial number of nearest neighbors to consider when
           constructing kNN graphs and timepoint links (default=200).

           Number of nearest neighbors to retain for each node in the
           the final graph (default=20).

           Number of principal component dimensions to use for subspace
           projections (default=200).

           Distance metric supplied to knnsearch (default='correlation') 

           Local distance threshold for filtering graph edges. Expressed 
           as a multiple of the nearest neighbor distance from the source 
           node (default=3).

           Local distance threshold for filtering link edges. Expressed 
           as a multiple of the nearest neighbor distance from the source 
           node (default=3).

           Global distance threshold for filtering graph edges. Expressed 
           as a z-score over all edges in the current timepoint 
           Global distance threshold for filtering link edges. Expressed 
           as a z-score over all edges in the current timepoint 
           Only retain edges for which both nodes appear in the other 
           node's outgoing edge list (default=true).


We provide a script: "stitch_Wagner2018.m" for running the entire pipeline. The script begins by downloading data, performing total counts normalization, identifying variable genes, calculating and plotting a STITCH graph.

Run the script by typing the following into the Matlab command line:


Visualizing STITCH Graphs

We recommend visualizing STITCH graphs interactively using the ForceAtlas2 layout in Gephi. The Matlab graph object can be imported into Gephi from DOT format, for example by using the 'graph_to_dot' function from Matlab-Graphviz interface by Leon Peshkin.

graph_to_dot(adjacency(G), 'directed', 0, 'filename', 'Wagner2018_stitch.dot')

Gephi coordinates can be exported as a .NET file and imported back to Matlab. The example dataset provides pre-computed XY coordinates.

XY = import_gephi_xy('Wagner2018_stitch.net')

Plot the STITCH graph using Gephi coordinates. Default behavior colors nodes by timepoint.

stitch_plot_graph(G, XY)

Alternatively, color nodes by a specific gene.

  stitch_plot_graph(G, XY, DataSet, gene_names_all, 'nodes', 'nanog')
  stitch_plot_graph(G, XY, DataSet, gene_names_all, 'nodes', 'epcam')
  stitch_plot_graph(G, XY, DataSet, gene_names_all, 'nodes', 'msgn1')
  stitch_plot_graph(G, XY, DataSet, gene_names_all, 'nodes', 'sox19a')

See below for a full list of stitch_plot_graph input options.

 G               A STITCH graph object
 XY              Matrix of XY coordinates for each node in G 
 DataSet         A STITCH dataset object 
                 (only required if plotting gene expression values)
 gene_names_all  Gene names: a cell array of strings 
                 (only required if plotting gene expression values)

                Input string, specifying node format style.  
                 'timepoint': colors nodes by sample/timepoint (default).
                 'none': nodes are hidden from view.
                 'betweenness'|'pagerank': nodes colored based on graph 
                  centrality scores.
                 Any other input will be interpreted as a gene name and
                  searched against gene_names_all.                 

'node_rgb'       An array of RGB triplet values for coloring all nodes of 
                 the graph (e.g. [255 255 255]).  If specified, this 
                 option overrides the 'nodes' option.

                 An array of custom node values, which must match the 
                 number of nodes in the graph.  If specified, this option 
                 overrides the 'nodes' option.

                 Input string: 'log' (default) or 'linear'.

                 Float specifying node marker size (default = 0.8) 

                 When plotting gene expression or custom values, option 
                 to hide all nodes with zero counts (default = true).

                 Input string, specifying edge format style. 
                 'alpha': thin, semi-transparent edges (default).
                 'black'|'none': edges colored black or hidden from view.
                 'internal'|'bridges': highlight edges that connect nodes
                  within timepoints, or bridging between timepoints.
                 'weights': color edges based on weight (e.g. correlation
                  distance in PCA space).

                 An array of custom edge values, which must match the 
                 number of edges in the graph.  If specified, this option 
                 overrides the 'edges' option.

                 Input string: 'log' or 'linear' (default).

Coarse-Graining the STITCH Graph

The STITCH graph may be simplified via a process called 'coarse-graining'. In the coarse-grained graph, nodes correspond to clusters of cells (specified by node IDs), and edges reflect the connectivity of two clusters (the proportion of original shared single-cell edges to total outgoing edges). Through the coarse-grained graph, a spanning tree "scaffold" is then traced, which highlights the strongest set of edges bridging the clusters between timepoints. As above, Gephi can be used to interactively render a graph layout.

  node_IDs = stitch_celldata_to_nodeID(DataSet, G, 'cell_IDs_names');
  [G_cg, G_cg_scaff] = stitch_coarse_grain(G, node_IDs);
  graph_to_dot(adjacency(G_cg_scaff), 'directed', 0, 'filename', 'gephi/Wagner2018_cg.dot')

Plot the coarse-grained graph using imported Gephi coordinates.

  XY_cg = import_gephi_xy('gephi/Wagner2018_cg.net');
  figure; stitch_plot_graph_cg(G_cg, XY_cg, [], [], 'node_size', 5)

Exporting STITCH Graphs

Export attributes of the STITCH graph as text files (e.g. for import into non-Matlab environments).

stitch_export('export_directory', DataSet, G, XY, gene_names)

The following files will be exported:

genes.txt        Gene names
counts.csv       Genes x cells counts matrix
annot.txt        Annotation flags for each cell (DataSet.celldata)
timepoints.txt   Timepoint/sample flags for each cell (DataSet.name)
edges.csv        Edge table for G
coordinates.txt  XY coordinates for each node of G