
Estimates of illicit financial flows due to trade misinvoicing

Primary LanguageR


This repository contains the scripts necessary to replicate the results in Lépissier, A., Davis, W., and Ibrahim, G. (2021). Illicit financial flows from trade misinvoicing and their implication for financing for development.

The raw data and results can be found on Zenodo DOI

Directory structure

|__ Data (download from Zenodo)
    |__ CEPII
    |__ Comtrade
    |__ Panel
    |__ TJN
    |__ UN Stats
    |__ UNODC
    |__ WDI
    |__ WITS
    |__ World Bank
|__ Figures (generated by the scripts)
|__ Results (generated by the scripts, also available on Zenodo)
    |__ Summary data-sets
|__ Scripts (clone this repo)


Alice Lépissier

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🌐 https://alicelepissier.com