
This is a demo display how to ues gRPC in unity editor

Primary LanguageC#


This project is to display how to use google's gRPC with unity.

How to use in unity

  • Set scripting runtime version to .net 4.6

  • Import gRPC dll to unity project

    • Google.Protobuf.dll
    • Grpc.Core.dll
    • grpc_csharp_ext.x64.dll
    • System.Interactive.Async.dll
  • Create logic to test if run correct.

Run untiy and will print "Greeting: Hello you"


Add user's protocol and generate code

Grpc.Tools.1.11.x\tools\windows_x86\protoc.exe -I../../protos --csharp_out Greeter --grpc_out Greeter ../../protos/helloworld.proto --plugin=protoc-gen-grpc=packages/Grpc.Tools.1.11.x/tools/windows_x86/grpc_csharp_plugin.exe

Note: Haven't test on mobile platform


Google gRPC's source code also alert unity support is experimental and work-in-progress.Don't expact it to work