
OpenGL rendering engine for terrain simulation

Primary LanguageC++


OpenGL rendering engine for terrain simulation

Video Demo & Screen Shot


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External Dependencies

  1. GLEW
  2. SDL

Scene Components

1. sky dome

2. clouds

  • shape/color changing with day time
  • tried terrain-like clouds
  • noise-generated texture clouds in use

3. terrain land

  • procedural generated
  • with geomipmap (terrain is subdivided into chunks, not the best implementation. To be improved)
  • multi textures, diffrent by height and noise map

4. lake

  • two frame buffer objects, one for refraction, one for reflection
  • used both depth test and stencil test
  • used texture noise
  • bug: weird edge looking

5. plants

  • a huge number of plants by instanced rendering
  • particle system(to do)

Render Techniques

1. Depth/Stencil Testing

2. Alpha Blending

3. Frame Buffers

4. Instancing

5. Anti Aliasing

  • MSAA, multi-sampled anti-aliasing

6. Normal mapping

7. Gamma Correction

8. HDR(high dynamic range) (to do)

9. Shadow mapping (in progress, debugging)

8. Bloom effect (to do)

11. SSAO(screen-space ambient occlusion) (to do)

12. PBR(physical based rendering) (to do)