obatin output from Sniffles and filter with read by vg input
get PAVs in your genome from pacbio_mapping_vcf(NGMLR+Sniffles), and merge the vcfs into vg to build a graphical based genome.
samtools https://github.com/samtools/samtools
ngmlr -t 8 -r GENOME -q FASTA -o SAM
samtools sort -O BAM -@ 20 -o BAM SAM &
sniffles -t 8 -m BAM -v VCF
python Sniffles_vcf_2_vg_vcf.py -i VCF -g GENOME -p all/noraml/sort/clear -tmp 0/1
-tmp 0:local dir
-tmp 1:In a workdir "name"
-p all noraml+sort+clear
-p normal only normal
-p sort only sort(including reduce)
-p clear only clear
is the final vcf, for a further analysis.