
The all data in this paper could be found in

If you have any questions, please contact me at email I am happy to hear from you. script for catch the coverages in target regions. as a circle genome if necessary to align with a same start seqs(position).

Circos_plot: conf file, a input file for circos software; pi.txt, a genetic diversity cacultaed based on 184 samples; SNP.distribution, a density of SNP in mitogenome based on 184 samples.

MT_haplotype_NU_LD_blocks: GWAS_GEMMA.worksteps, the workflow to perform GWAS base on nuclear LD blocks and mitogenome haplotypes script for grep candidate genes surround the siginificant SNPs(10kb region); GO-analysis-out.xlsx, the result of GO analysis.

RNA_seqs_analysis_in_replacement_samples: All_mitgenome_G1_G1+HB_HB_TPMvalues.txt, the result of TPM values in mitogenome(based on RNA anno(100 bp steped windows)); Conserved_genes_G1_G1+HB_HB_TPMvalues.txt, the 100 bp steped windows related to conserved genes or fragements; G1.anno.100.SAF, the predicted gene structure(100 bp steped windows); script to make a SAF file for featureCount.

chimera-orfs-detected: script detect the chimera ORFs related to conserved genes or fragments in intergenic regions of mitogenome; script to split conserved genes or fragments into 30 bp short seqs; Folders:the 14 assembles and chimera resutls.

genetic_load_results: genetic_load_based_on_pops.txt, the genetic load estimated in 184 samples,'At'(atalantia) as a outgroup (ancestry sequences).

paternla_leaksge_heteroplasmy: lemon_paternal_leakage.xlsx, the result of heteroplasmy mediated by paternal leakage in sour_orange and grapefruit populations; sour_orange(subgroup1 and subgroup2)_paternal_leakage.xlsx, the result of heteroplasmy mediated by paternal leakage in sour_orange and grapefruit populations.

The population genomic tools, workflows and scripts could be find in wangnan9394/apomixis_parallel_evolution [] and wangnan9394/conservation_genomics. []