In general, I was upset about how deep the calibration tool is buried in opencv's folder structure and especially in the CMAKE tree, so I extracted and made it available here.
However, the installation now is more straight forward. Make sure you have a working camera and opencv >= 2.4.x installed.
Basically, you just need to print out the chess_pattern.png (images), edit the camera_conf.xml (data) according to your needs, build the software and execute it. There you go...
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
edit the data/camera_conf.xml to your needs (chess board size, maker size, camera input [0|1 device name]) Hint: Use a measurer :)
cd bin
./cam_calib ../../data/camera_conf.xml
If your camera cannot be found, edit the camera_conf.xml (i.e. change video device index /dev/videoX)
If your camera is working you will get an image stream indicating "press g to start"
When done, exit the calibration routine and you will find a calibration xml file next to the executable