DC/OS Sonic Screwdriver Registry

This repository contains the tools available for the dcos-sonic-screwdriver tool.

Entry Description

Each tool has it's own folder in the registry. The name of the folder is the name of the tool, as it's going to be installed in the users computer.

Each tool folder contains at least two files:

  • package.yml : The general tool information
  • 0.0.1.yml : One or more versions of the tool
├── registry/
│   ├── tool-name/
│   │   ├── package.yml  
│   │   └── 0.0.1.yml

package.yml - Tool Info

The package.yml file contains the general tool information in the following structure:

desc: "A short (~70 characters) description of this tool"
  - dcos
  - deployment
  md: yes
  text: |
    Help message for this tool, that could span into multiple lines,
    and could even use *markdown* if you have set `md: yes`
  • desc : A short description for the tool (around 70 characters or less).
  • topics : An array with one or more keywords related to this tool.
  • help : A help message, or a link where to find more information about this tool. This will be presented to the user when uses the ss help <tool> command.

Help Message

You can use three types of help messages:

  1. Embedded Message: The entire help message is embedded in the registry file. You can optionally set md: yes if you want to enable best-effort markdown parsing of the body when presenting it to the user.

      md: yes
      text: |
        Multi-line description of the tool
  2. Remote Message: Like before, but this time the help message is hosted in a remote location. It will be downloaded and displayed to the user when requested. Like before, you can use md: yes to render the contents of the file as markdown.

      md: yes
      inline: yes
      url: "http://path/to/remote/README.md"
  3. Open Browser: If you want to display a more rich description to the user, you can define a URL to be opened by the user's browser when a help is requested.

      url: "http://open/this/link/in/the/browser"

<major>.<minor>.<revision>.yml - Tool Version

Each tool can have one or more released versions. This can be particular useful if you want to be backwards-compatible and you want to allow the user to install an older version.

Each version record can have one or more artifacts. When the tool is about to be installed on the user's machine, the most compatible artifact will be picked and installed. Refer to the Artifact Types for more information about the artifact structure.

A typical version file looks like this:

  - type: executable
      shell: bash
      type: file
      url: https://path/to/artifact.sh
      checksum: 01234567890abcdef01234567890abcdef01234567890abcdef

Artifact Types

  1. Docker Image Artifact: The Sonic Screwdriver can automatically wrap docker images as command-line tools.

      - type: docker
        image: registry/image-name
        tag: "1.2.3"
        dockerArgs: "-p 8080:8080"
    • type: Must be "docker"
    • image: The docker image to use
    • tag: The tag of the docker image to use
    • require: (Optional) One or more Requirements that should be satisfied before selecting this artifact.
    • dockerArgs: (Optional) Additional arguments to pass on the docker daemon
    • setupScript: (Optional) Optional command(s) to run before launching the container.
    • teardownScript: (Optional) Optional command(s) to run after launching the container.
    • command: (Optional) The command to invoke in the container (defaults to $*, that translates to all the arguments the user has given)
  2. Interpreted Artifact: An interpreted artifact is using a system interpreter for it's execution and therefore is by default platform-agnostic.

    - type: executable
        python: python3
        installRequirements: requirements.txt
      entrypoint: dcos_ovhcloud_installer.py
        VAR: value
    • type: Must be "executable"
    • interpreter: Describes the interpreter that should be used. Check the Interpreter Types for more details
    • source: Where to download this tool from. Check the Source Types for more details
    • entrypoint: (Optional) If the source is an archive-like resource, this field defined where to find the tool
    • require: (Optional) One or more Requirements that should be satisfied before selecting this artifact.
    • installScript: (Optional) A script to run within the tool directory after downloading it, that can be used to prepare the tool for execution.
    • environment: (Optional) one or more environment variables to define before running the script.
  3. Executable Binary: An executable binary is a machine-dependent artifact and therefore you have to specify the platform and the cpu architecture that it targets.

    - type: executable
      platform: darwin
      arch: amd64
    • type: Must be "executable"
    • platform: The OS platform this binary is compatible with (ex. darwin, linux, windows)
    • arch: The CPU architecture this binary is compatible with (ex. amd64)
    • source: Where to download this tool from. Check the Source Types for more details
    • entrypoint: (Optional) If the source is an archive-like resource, this field defined where to find the tool
    • require: (Optional) One or more Requirements that should be satisfied before selecting this artifact.
    • installScript: (Optional) A script to run within the tool directory after downloading it, that can be used to prepare the tool for execution.

Requirement Types

If an artifact should only be installed if a pre-condition is met, you should describe these preconditions using the require key. The following pre-condition checks are available:

  1. Command Must Exists: Requires that the specified command is available in the user's path:

      - cmd: "git"
  2. Pre-Flight Check: Requires that the specified command exits with zero:

      - exec: "docker --version | grep 18\."

Interpreter Types

The following interpreter types are currently supported by the Sonic Screwdriver:

  1. Python: Runs the script into a python sandbox, using the system's python.

          python: python3
          installRequirements: requirements.txt
          installPip: "."
    • python: Must be "python2" or "python3"
    • installRequirements: (Optional) If specified, it should point to a requirements.txt file that will be used to install the python dependencies for this tool.
    • installPip: (Optional) If specified, it should point to a python package that should be installed with pip. You can use "." to install your tool and it's dependencies, if your tool is a proper PyPi package.
  2. Shell: Runs the script using the system's shell interpreter.

          shell: bash
    • shell: The name of the shell interpreter to use (ex "bash")
  3. Java: Runs the tool using the system's Java installation:

          java: "1.8"
          javaArgs: "-Xmx1g"
    • java: The minimum version of the JVM required
    • javaArgs: Additional arguments to pass to the Java VM

    Note: If you are using the Java interpreter, the entrypoint should point to a .jar archive

Source Types

If you have specified type: executable in your artifact, the Sonic Screwdriver will require a source field that should point to where the tool should be downloaded from.

There are the following types of sources:

  1. Single File Source: The tool is hosted somewhere on the web:

          type: file
          url: https://path/to/file.sh
          checksum: 01234567890abcdef01234567890abcdef01234567890abcdef
    • type: Must be "file"
    • url: The URL that points to the file to download
    • checksum: The SHA256 checksum to validate the file contents against
  2. Tar Archive Source: The tool is available inside a .tar archive, available somewhere on the web:

          type: archive/tar
          url: https://path/to/archive.tar.gz
          checksum: 01234567890abcdef01234567890abcdef01234567890abcdef
        entrypoint: path/in/the/archive
    • type: Must be "archive/tar"
    • url: The URL that points to the file to download
    • checksum: The SHA256 checksum to validate the file contents against

    In this source, you should also specify the file in the archive that is the entry-point in the tool:

    • entrypoint: The tool path in the archive
  3. Git Repository Source: The tool is available within a git repository:

          type: vcs/git
          url: https://github.com/somename/someproject.git
          branch: master
        entrypoint: path/in/the/repository
    • type: Must be "vcs/git"
    • url: The URL to the git repository
    • branch: (Optional) The branch (or tag) to checkout

    In this source, you should also specify the file in the archive that is the entry-point in the tool:

    • entrypoint: The tool path in the archive

Updating The Registry

The registry can be updated with the sonic-screwdriver's registry-tool:

cd path/to/registry
registry-tool update