
Problem installing wfmash with conda

VLoegler opened this issue · 7 comments

I tried to install wfmash with conda with these commands:

$ conda create -n wfmashEnv
$ conda activate wfmashEnv
$ conda install -c bioconda wfmash

The installation ended well, but when I try to use wfmash, I have this error:

$ wfmash
wfmash: error while loading shared libraries: libgsl.so.25: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

In my folder anaconda3/envs/wfmashEnv/lib/, I have the file libgsl.so.27 but not the file libgsl.so.25.
How can I solve this problem ?

wfmash required libgsl.so.27 but load libgsl.so.25,
cd wfmashEnv/lib
ln -s libgsl.so.27 libgsl.so.25
may solve the problem

ekg commented

@VLoegler, @xiekunwhy, do you have the same problem with wfmash 0.10.0 on bioconda?

@AndreaGuarracino , everything goes well when I installing wfmash 0.10.0.

@xiekunwhy, thank you for the feedback!

ln -s libgsl.so.27 libgsl.so.25

This worked for me.