BSMN common data processing pipeline implementing various SGE (Sun Grid Engine) jobs arranged for genome alignment, variant calling and filtering.
This pipeline can be run in any cluster system using SGE job scheduler. We would recommend set your own cluster in AWS using AWS ParallelCluster.
For installing and setting up parallelcluster
, please see the Getting Started Guide
for AWS ParallelCluster.
The pipeline require a parallel environment named "threaded" in your SGE system. If your SGE system doen't have this parallel environment, you should add it into yours.
$ cat >threaded.conf <<END
pe_name threaded
slots 99999
user_lists NONE
xuser_lists NONE
start_proc_args NONE
stop_proc_args NONE
allocation_rule \$pe_slots
control_slaves FALSE
job_is_first_task TRUE
urgency_slots min
accounting_summary TRUE
qsort_args NONE
$ sudo su
# qconf -Ap threaded.conf
# qconf -mattr queue pe_list threaded all.q
Clone this repository where you want it installed in your cluster. If you work with an m5.large type AWS EC2 instance we recommend the file systems mounted at /shared
or /efs
cd /shared
git clone
Create a conda environment from YAML file to install software dependencies running the following commands.
By default, the name of environment will be bp
. you can change it by adding a -n your_name
conda env create -f /path/to/pipeline/environment.yml
Instead you can use a different YAML file for a version-fixed conda environment where major tools for alignment and variant calling are frozen with their exact versions we used in BSMN data analyses as follows:
- bwa 0.7.17
- picard 2.17.4
- GATK3 3.7
- GATK4 4.1.2
By default, the name of frozen environment will be bp_forzen
conda env create -f /path/to/pipeline/environment_frozen.yml
Install ucsc-* software packages.
conda install -n bp -c bioconda ucsc-fetchchromsizes ucsc-bigwigaverageoverbed ucsc-wigtobigwig ucsc-liftover
# If you are on bp_frozen
conda install -n bp_frozen -c bioconda ucsc-fetchchromsizes ucsc-bigwigaverageoverbed ucsc-wigtobigwig ucsc-liftover
Due to license restrictions, you need to download a copy of GATK3 from the Broad Institute.
conda activate bp # Make sure you've activated the environment you are working on.
wget -qO- \
|tar xj --strip=1 */GenomeAnalysisTK.jar
gatk3-register GenomeAnalysisTK.jar
rm GenomeAnalysisTK.jar # Once register, you can delete the downloaded file.
If you are on the frozen environment (bp_frozen
), you should download a copy of verion 3.7.
conda activate bp_frozen # Make sure you've activated the environment you are working on.
wget -qO- \
|tar xj GenomeAnalysisTK.jar
gatk-register GenomeAnalysisTK.jar # Not gatk3-register here.
rm GenomeAnalysisTK.jar
Install MosaicForecast.
cd /path/to/conda/environment # Optional, any directory would be ok if you set it properly in config.ini
git clone
If you are on the frozen environment (bp_frozen
), you should checkout the specific revision (63d8e60
) as following:
cd MosaicForecast
git checkout 63d8e60
Download all required resource files including the human reference sequences. This step would take some time to complete.
cd /path/to/pipeline
The following reference and resource data will be downloaded from the GATK resource bundle repository.
- Human reference sequences, along with fai and dict files for b37/hg19 and GRCh38/hg38 reference builds.
- dbSNP in VCF.
- HapMap genotypes and sites VCF.
- OMNI 2.5 genotypes for 1000 Genomes samples, as well as sites, VCF.
- Best set of known indels to be used for local realignment.
- 1000 Genomes Phase I indel calls.
- Mills and 1000G gold standard indels.
- 1000G phase 1 for genotype refinement.
The following resource files for variant filtering will be downloaded from our github repository.
- One merged file that contains genome hg19 strict mask for all chromosomes from 1000 Genomes Project (
) - One merged file that contains genome hg38 strict mask for all chromosomes from 1000 Genomes Project (
) - gnomAD variants with population AF > 0.001
- Panel Of Normal (PON) mask
You don't need to manually activate the conda environment before running the pipeline. It will be taken care of by the pipeline. All commands below should be running in the directory where you want to get results.
If you changed any locations of tools or resources, you need to set them properly in following config files for each reference genome.
The lines starting with # will be commented out and ignored. If you have fastq files,
#sample_id file_name location (full path)
FVLT FVLT_S15_L003_R1_001.fastq.gz /path/to/FVLT_S15_L003_R1_001.fastq.gz
FVLT FVLT_S15_L003_R2_001.fastq.gz /path/to/FVLT_S15_L003_R2_001.fastq.gz
If you have cram (or bam) files,
#sample_id file_name location (full path)
AN02255 AN02255.cram /path/to/AN02255.cram
Align fastq files to a reference genome to make a aligned cram, an ummapped bam and flagstats.
python3 /path/to/pipeline/jobs/ \
-q your_queue \
--sample-list /path/to/sample_list.txt
If you are going to use the frozen conda environment, you need to set -n bp_frozen
-q, --queue specify the SGE queue for jobs to be submitted.
-n, --conda-env specify the name of conda environment (default: bp)
-t, --target-seq enable targeted sequencing mode to skip mark duplication.
-f, --align-fmt specify alignment format (cram|bam). Default is cram.
-r, --reference specify reference genome (b37|hg19|hg38). Default is b37 (GRCh37).
--sample-list specify sample_list.txt file
-p, --run-gatk-hc once alignment complete, run the variant calling with the given ploidy options.
--run-filters once variant calling complete, run the varinat filtering as well.
If you've already done aligning, you can run from the variant calling pipeline. Given the BAM file, run the GATK4 HaplotypeCaller with the given ploidy options.
python3 /path/to/pipeline/jobs/ \
-q your_queue \
-p 2 12 50 \
--sample-list /path/to/sample_list.txt
If you are going to use the frozen conda environment, you need to set -n bp_frozen
-q, --queue specify the SGE queue for jobs to be submitted.
-n, --conda-env specify the name of conda environment (default: bp)
-f, --align-fmt specify alignment format (cram|bam). Default is cram.
-r, --reference specify reference genome (b37|hg19|hg38). Default is b37 (GRCh37).
--sample-list specify sample_list.txt file
-p, --run-gatk-hc specify ploidy options used by GATK.
--run-filters once variant calling complete, run the varinat filtering as well.
If you've already done aligning and calling variants, you can run from the variant filtering pipeline. In such case, you need to specify a directory where your existing vcf files are using -v (--vcf-directory) option. VCF and index file names should be formed as follows:
<sample name>.ploidy_<ploidy>.vcf.gz
<sample name>.ploidy_<ploidy>.vcf.gz.tbi
Given the BAM and VCF files, run the variant filtering.
python3 /path/to/pipeline/jobs/ \
-q your_queue \
-p 50 \
--sample-list /path/to/sample_list.txt
-q, --queue specify the SGE queue for jobs to be submitted.
-n, --conda-env specify the name of conda environment (default: bp)
-f, --align-fmt specify alignment format (cram|bam). Default is cram.
-r, --reference specify reference genome (b37|hg19|hg38). Default is b37 (GRCh37).
--sample-list specify sample_list.txt file
-p, --run-gatk-hc specify ploidy options used by GATK.
--skip-cnvnator skip the CNV filering
-v, --vcf-directory If you have VCF files elsewhere, specify the directory where VCF files are.
-m, --multiple-alignments enable multiple cram (or bam) files mode for combined calling
The master
branch is protected. To make introduce changes:
- Fork this repository
- Open a branch with your github username and a short descriptive statement (like
). If there is an open issue on this repository, name your branch after the issue (likekdaily-issue-7
). - Open a pull request and request a review.