- 1
- 1
XmlStorage sorts on file name, not report name
#188 opened by mhdirkse - 5
Ladybug creates separate reports for each iteration of ForEachChildElementPipe
#193 opened by mhdirkse - 2
Meeting doen over slimmer XML rapporten afbreken, als simpel afbreken in Ladybug goed werkt.
#235 opened by mhdirkse - 2
- 0
- 0
The exit state of a pipeline is shown with a right arrow, I would expect a left arrow
#275 opened by mhdirkse - 6
- 0
- 0
In, explanation of how to use Ladybug references obsolete project Open ZaakBrug
#270 opened by mhdirkse - 1
- 0
- 1
Schrijf user stories voor Ladybug
#254 opened by mhdirkse - 0
Rerunning a report fails where I would expect it to succeed - do we need default ignores?
#268 opened by mhdirkse - 1
Ladybug die in Frank2Example zit geeft HTTP 500 fout
#263 opened by mhdirkse - 0
NPE caused by super eager CloseReportsTask
#257 opened by nielsm5 - 0
Test dat gestubbed test rapport blijft slagen bij wijziging extern systeem valt in het water
#246 opened by mhdirkse - 0
Document met handmatige Ladybug testen met lokale checkouts van FF!, Frank!Runner, ladybug en ladybug-frontend
#243 opened by mhdirkse - 0
Oude Ladybug GUI: Uploaden van rapport ging mis
#240 opened by mhdirkse - 0
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- 1
Ladybug doesn't wait for database connection
#223 opened by philipsens - 1
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Ladybug fails to store any reports in Postgres database with default settings (SQLException: "Large Objects may not be used in auto-commit mode")
#230 opened by MLenterman - 0
Cannot open report root folder in (old)ladybug
#219 opened by MarkvdVorst - 0
- 0
Global XSLT transform is always applied to reports in tests tab even when disabled in Ladybug options or a specific XSLT transform is defined on the test
#210 opened by MLenterman - 6
Build failure at generating javadoc with frank-runner
#207 opened by Matthbo - 0
- 0
Feature request: The ability to create a test for a subset of pipes and only run that subset of pipes
#205 opened by MLenterman - 0
Echo2 gebruikt commons-fileupload:1.4
#198 opened by nielsm5 - 0
Consider implementing the OpenTelemetry standard to provide cross application message tracing/debugging
#192 opened by Laurens-makel - 3
'Synchronize compare trees' in proof of migration should sync on checkpoint_nr
#174 opened by gvanbrakel - 0
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- 0
Ladybug should use Thread ID instead of CorrelationID to link event to report
#169 opened by gvanbrakel - 1
- 0
cancelChildThread not handled properly
#165 opened by gvanbrakel - 0
Feature request: Button to delete (all) reports
#164 opened by Laurens-makel - 0
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Ladybug is not setting (any) mimetypes.
#154 opened by nielsm5 - 1
MessageEncoderImpl.toObject interface does not comply
#121 opened by nielsm5 - 1
Expanding a report item makes the report scroll
#149 opened by gvanbrakel - 1
Incidental ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsExceptions
#153 opened by gvanbrakel - 5
Result Get call not visible in ladybug
#140 opened by LeroyJenkinss - 2
Ladybug inhibits Saxon update to v10.8
#133 opened by gvanbrakel - 1
7.7.1 Ladybug: IndexOutOfBoundsException
#130 opened by rvdstel - 1
- 1
Stack overflow in close()
#104 opened by gvanbrakel