
Poetry build tool packaged into docker image with an actual Python

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Update Build and push Docker Pulls GitHub

non-windows Official Python docker images with the latest Poetry


Image tags are generated from the next template: {poetry-version}-python-{official-python-image-tag}, where {poetry-version} is a numeric version or latest.

For example:

FROM weastur/poetry:1.5.1-python-3.11.4-bookworm
FROM weastur/poetry:1.5.1-python-3.11-alpine
FROM weastur/poetry:latest-python-3.11

There is one special tag - latest - which is equivalent to latest-python-latest, so it's just the latest Poetry version based on python:latest image.

Usage with docker run

The image can be run with docker run command. Notice that the COMMAND inside is still python3, like in an Official Image.


The image itself is built on top of an Official Python Image, with the reference Poetry's installer, which means that there are no additional dependencies in the resulting image. For example:

➜ docker run -ti weastur/poetry bash
root@87ef07a9832a:/# pip list
Package    Version
---------- -------
pip        22.0.4
setuptools 58.1.0
wheel      0.37.1

Also, pay attention that there are no additional settings of Poetry, like poetry config virtualenvs.in-project true

Every single step of the build process runs with GitHub Actions.

Where is python:XYZ image?

This project builds images with the latest poetry for every latest version of every supported python for every available architecture. For example, it builds images for 3.12.3 python, but not for 3.12.0. Also, there are no builds for too old systems like Debian buster or bullseye or too old Alpine.

Why not to re-build every available tag?

  • There is no way to install the actual poetry version on an outdated python (like 3.5, for example)
  • There is no way to install the actual poetry version on an outdated system (like Debian buster). Poetry depends on cryptography which depends from rust. And there are some restrictions on the versions of toolchains suitable for building those deps. In other words, some systems have too old packages, so before installing poetry on buster, for example, we need to install the latest rust toolchain, which is overkill, I believe.
  • There is no power to re-build everything at least once a week. Github Actions runners are too slow


You need Docker installed. You can start from .github/workflows/docker-build.yml to inspect the build process. The main files are Dockerfile and update.py.

Also, you can use pre-commit to run some checks locally before committing.

pre-commit install
