Introduction to statistics featuring Python. This series of lecture notes aim to walk you through all basic concepts of statistics, such as descriptive statistics, parameter estimations, hypothesis testing, ANOVA and etc. All codes are straightforward to understand.
Jupyter NotebookMIT
- AliAlemiMatinPour
- bahan12
- Basel-anayaFreelancing
- bhsphd
- Cesuuur@Telefonica @EVOLVED-5G
- choiyj925
- devrsa
- donms
- drrui
- erransuSydney
- geeky-bitSan Francisco Bay Area
- gitony0101
- goamry
- hminle
- HongjianJRNational University of Singapore
- huiminliuresearch
- jacobsim666
- johnxu88
- LetheSecUniversity of Science and Technology of China
- Lycan828
- mm2595
- NashChenming
- noobpythonUnited States
- Pingping1997TU Wien
- raqibhayderCanada
- RuijunShiBeijing Normal University
- springbambooSoftbank
- sto803
- TahminaShoaibPunjab Bureau of Statistics
- techperfect
- UJumpInoJump
- vchung18UNPRG
- weijie-chenHelsinki/Warsaw
- wyujie
- Yira-YarethMexico
- ztj1224