
📸 Hourly taken webcam photo which is uploaded to a server.

Primary LanguageShell

Hourly webcam snapshot [Archived]

This repo has been replaced with https://github.com/weiland/HourlyImage A rewrite of this tool in Swift so there is only one .app that does everything.


Required software

  • imagesnap (brew install imagesnap)
  • rbenv (optionally) and t (brew install rbenv, gem install t)


git clone https://github.com/weiland/mac-secure-webcam


  • the current path of this repo is ~/code/Hourly-image/
    • if your's differ, you have to update it
  • adjust variables in webcam.sh
  • adjust contents of run.app (to match path)
    • just an automatorscript to run the webcam.sh
sh ~/code/hourly-image/webcam.sh >> ~/code/hourly-image/wrapper.log 2>&1
  • create a (hourly) cronjob like
# change the path to your run.app
0 * * * * open ~/code/hourly-image/run.app >> ~/hourly-image/cron.log 2>&1
01 * * * * sh ~/src/github.com/weiland/mac-secure-webcam/tweet.sh >> /tmp/cron.log 2>&1
  • if you also want to tweet the photos setup t
  • otherwise just remove the tweet line from the webcam.sh

The run.app is required to be able to access the webcam.


This is rather a quickly hacked script to fit my own needs, so there are some hard-coded paths and basic logging/error handling.